If you find you need to boost your levels of happiness, and you’re thinking
of asking your doctor for an antidepressant, please, reconsider and try
something natural.

Something natural?
Yes, as in food.

Natural antidepressant hormones in your brain also help
protect tissues throughout your body, cutting your risk of
everything from certain cancers and Type 2 diabetes to
obesity. And luckily, you can boost your (own) levels of those
happiness hormones by doing the following…

a) Eating Something Green-
The popularity of avocados has skyrocketed in the past 15 years
and for good reason, they can help you feel more upbeat and
optimistic in as little as one month.
Avocados are rich in cartenoids and oleic acid, nutrients that encourage
your brain to produce more endorphins, the chemicals responsible
for the feeling known as “runner’s high.”
Another plus: increasing your brain’s endorphin production improves your
Your Rx for more happiness and optimism: Eat 1/2 cup of an avocado,
2 to 3 times a week. Use them to make guacamole, dips, or do like
football great Tom Brady, and make a healthy and low-cal Ice Cream.
Need a recipe, go online to google.com or Youtube.com and type recipe
for avocado Ice cream in the search bar.

b) Nuts-
Another benefit of eating nuts: You get the same happiness boost, you’d
get as if you were cuddling with your partner or child. Nuts contain
healthy fats and minerals that prod your brain to release up to 30%
more oxytocin, (the feel-good hormone).

c) Head To Maryland-
If you’re a fan of crab cakes and want to boost your levels of
happiness hormones then you must head to Maryland.
Why Maryland? According to researchers and foodies,
Maryland is the place where some of the best seafood is sold,
especially crabs. Eat just 6 to 8 oz. of seafood one or two times
a week and you can reduce your risk of blue moods and melancholy
by 25%. Seafood contains DHA, an essential fat that reduces your
output of the stress hormone cortisol.

d) Beware Of-
Too much junk food. One of the main reasons medical professionals
warn about eating too much junk food is you’ll get fat, you’ll get
heart disease or you’ll die much too young.
One thing they fail to mention or warn you about: It’ll (junk food)
also make you depressed, unhappy and unambitious.
That’s right, fill your body with burgers, pizzas, sweet treats
and sugary beverages on a daily basis and watch how
quickly the dark and sad moods follow.
These types of foods release tons of inflammation inside your
body, especially in and around your brain, making depression
So, if weight management or lower risks of diabetes, cancers,
strokes, and heart disease aren’t enough motivation to
eat right, perhaps feeling more upbeat and happier will help
you change your destructive eating habits.

Non-Food Tips For More Happiness!
e) Go To Bed-
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you know we
recommend getting a good’s night sleep quite a bit.
Well, consider it a safe, inexpensive and natural form of medicine.
How good? It (sleep) can help you prevent diabetes, certain cancers,
weight gain, dark and blue moods.
Yup, it too, can cut your risk of blue moods and anxiety by a whopping
85%. Getting to bed at a reasonable hour (between 9 and 11 pm)
is the prime time for your body to restock its stores of dopamine,
an antidepressant hormone that helps you feel more hopeful, upbeat
and calm, even during your most chaotic times.

f) Supplemental Help-
Before being prescribed antidepressants by your doctor,
ask him (or her) if you can take a combination.
The combination: Krill oil and Astaxanthin, (made from red algae).
Combined they raise the level of the feel-good hormone serotonin.
Look for this combination of “natural antidepressants” online at
LEF.com. Look for the brand Life Extension Super Omega-3 Plus.

g) Just Chill-
This can go under the sleep category, but another way to bolster moods
is to enjoy more “me time.” Yes, simply taking part in an activity that brings
you joy, will also elevate your moods. Take a class online, volunteer at an
animal shelter, get mani, pedis each week, walk outdoors (under the Sun),
hug a friend, family or a pet, just do whatever makes you happy.

That’s it- 7 tips to boost happiness levels.
And if you want a recipe for Maryland
stuffed crab cakes, head to Etsy.com, and go to
groceryhealthmats.com and look for The Seafood
Rxs For More Happiness!

* The Mayo Clinic
* Scott Haltzman, M.D.
* Brown University, Research Dept.
* TB12Sports.com