Become a Tree Hugger!

Want to boost your health and save money to boot?
Well, just allow mother nature to do it for you and revitalize your mind
and body in the process.

Simple Rxs From Mother Nature:
a) Boost Memory-
Yes, you can eat fish and egg yolks or take a slew of vitamins, but
remember, this isn’t supposed to be expensive, so just head out
and get some fresh air. Open a window or step outside and breathe
in the fresh air. This is especially helpful for those who have to study
for an exam, breathing in fresh air while studying will help you recall
up to twice as much information. Greenery, trees and plants give off
an abundance of oxygen, which helps the brain process data
and store it in your long-term memory banks.
Another tip:
Watch Butterflies!
Another tip to help you remember is to go outside and watch butterflies,
birds, rabbits or other wildlife. This simple trick triggers a big improvement
in short-term memory. Plus, nature’s beauty captures your attention, reducing
distractions and giving your brain a rest so memory centers work more effectively.

b) Lower Stress Levels-
Are your stress levels increasing? Head outdoors and look at and touch (or hug)
a tree or two.
There are textures in wood that spur feelings of comfort. And this comfort gently
slows your heart rate and reduces activity in the brain’s emotion-managing prefrontal
cortex so that you feel more at ease.
Another tip:
Now that it’s springtime it’s time to smell the lilacs. Lilacs contain unique compounds
(Limonene and linalool)that give the purple beauties their scents thus reducing levels
of the stress hormone cortisol by about 45%.

c) Boost Immunity-
Now that it’s warmer and sunnier, head outside and boost your immune system.
And once you’re out there, walk on grass (preferably barefoot) and dig in the
dirt. Enjoying quality time outdoors near trees or on freshly cut grass allows
you to breathe in particles produced by the greenery. These microscopic
specks circulate throughout your body, spurring the release of natural killer
cells that fight off viruses and eliminate harmful bacteria.
Play in the garden- another reason to plant something this time of year-
it’ll help you increase the illness-fighting T Cells and decrease inflammation,
which also your bolster your immune system.

d) Lower Blood Pressure-
Your doctor may want you to take medication and/or change your diet,
but you can also do something low-cost to lower blood pressure and
that is heading off to the grocery store and picking up some fresh (or dried)
basil, chives, parsley, cilantro and dill. Fresh and dried herbs and spices
contain polyphenols that trigger the release of blood vessel-widening nitric
oxide. Add these herbs and spices to soups, stews, egg dishes, meat, fish
dishes or pour a little of each herb into a mug of hot water for a few mins.
stir it and sip slowly. Enjoy a mug (or more) of herb tea each day.
Another tip:
Nap outdoors preferably in a hammock. You can lower blood pressure
by a few points just by lying in a hammock or lawn chair for 20 to 30 mins.
A little nap outdoors reduces levels of the blood vessel-squeezing hormone
norepinephrine. Plus, nature and all of it’s greenery reins in BP-elevating

e) Ease Aches and Pains-
You’re still undecided about taking a doctor-prescribed pain med for your
achy back and knees, and if you want to try something natural first- go
to a stream or babbling brook. The trickling sounds of water spur up
to a five-fold drop in pain, since the randomness of the noises shifts
your brain’s focus away from discomfort. Plus, it activates your relaxation-
inducing nervous system.
Another tip:
Recommended for decades and it’s now getting the credit it deserves and
that’s going outside and sitting under the Sun, (without sunscreen) for 15 to
20 mins. each day. Sunlight resets melatonin levels, which reduces
pain-intensifying inflammation.

* University of Michigan, Research Dept.
*, popular Youtube channel
* Singapore Research Team
* Great Outdoors, Magazine

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