Drink Like The Greeks For Happiness and Longevity!

Our last post: The 10 Must-Buy Grocery Items For The Mediterranean Diet, was
all about the foods one must buy if they plan on following the “Mediterranean diet,”
and today’s post is all about beverages.

Yes, but not just any beverage, these beverages are drunk by the people of the Mediterranean
and it may explain their long lives that are free of most illnesses and diseases and if you’d like
to become more like the people of Greece and experience that kind of health (and longevity)
then you too, must start drinking like them.

The Beverages of Greece-

a) Coffee-
Coffee is popular all over the World, but in Greece it’s not the coffee, but how the
coffee is made that contributes to their longevity.
Researchers say that boiled Greek coffee is the most protective of all, as it (the coffee)
improves circulation and blood vessel function better than other coffee types for
superior protection against stroke and heart attacks. Greek coffee is consumed
by most of the people of Ikaria Greece and it may explain the large number of residents
who reach 100 years of age.
So, are you convinced and ready to try Greek coffee?
To make Greek coffee- you need a Briki, a metal pot smaller on top than bottom.
Fill it with 2 oz. of water and 1 tsp. of Greek coffee per cup. Place on medium low heat;
stir coffee grounds, stopping when you see foam.
Let foam rise to the top, then quickly remove from heat. Pour into cups
keeping foam intact.
Look for Greek coffee and Brikis online at Amazon.com.

b) Olive Oil-
Not a beverage but a liquid.
Olive oil is popular in a number countries, Denmark, Italy, Spain and Greece.
And the more olive oil one consumes the stronger their hearts will be.
Extra-virgin olive oil is brimming with oleic acid an phenol, two compounds that
reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol while raising the “good” HDL and preventing arterial
plaque, keys to lowering your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Another benefit for women: A lower risk of getting breast cancer. Researchers say the
low number of breast cancer rates in Greek women can be attributed to their daily
consumption of extra-virgin olive oil.
Take it like a beverage, pour a little into a spoon and swallow.

c) Greek Tea-
Also known as Shepherd’s or Mountain Tea, can shut down viruses behind colds,
flu, zap bacteria, including salmonella and bolster the immune response, speeding
recovery if you do get sick. Brewed from the tiny flowers, buds and silvery leaves
of the antioxidant-packed mountain herb ironwort, the tea also lowers blood pressure
by relaxing blood vessels.
Look for loose leaf Greek Mountain Tea online at KiloTea.com
and GreekInternetMarket.com.

d) Red Wine-
Another beverage that we Americans have in common with Italians, French
and The Greeks is red wine. People in Greek cities and towns have been
making wine for thousands of years and it may explain their propensity to make
it to age 90 or beyond. Moderate wine drinkers, (a glass or two a day) actually
live longer than those who don’t drink and if you’re wondering about the health
benefits: It (red wine) can help lower your risk of ever becoming a diabetic
by 40%. Give credit to resveratrol, a powerful compound that helps regulate
blood sugar and stave of age-related cellular damage. Another benefit:
Wine helps those who are suffering from Insomnia. It (red wine) helps you
get to sleep quicker and stay asleep through the night.

That’s It- The 4 Beverages of Greece that help the residents live long and productive

* Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
* The Blue Zones Diet Book, By Dan Buettner
* British Medical Journal
* The Food and Wine Of Greece, By Diane Kochilas
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