Using up Leftovers!

We’re a couple weeks past St. Patrick’s day and many of you out there may still
have some potatoes lying around. If you’re tired of the same old dishes of
French fries, baked potatoes or mashed potatoes, then you may want to
look below for 2 recipes.

The recipes call for potatoes and are a little different than your usual mashed
potatoes or French fries. So, get a piece of paper and a pen and get ready to
write out the recipes and ingredients and then head to your local grocery store
to buy the items. And if you think that potatoes are nothing but fat bombs
and starch bombs, think again. Potatoes offer a number of health benefits,
like…a natural (and safer) blood pressure medicine. Filled with potassium,
the mineral responsible for removing excess sodium from your body.

The 2nd benefit: A natural, (cheaper and safer) anxiety med.
Again, the potassium in potatoes, is a mineral that soothes the brain’s
anxiety center to boost calm by up to 45%.

Recipe No. 1-
Turkey Meatball Potato Skins!
You may already be saving and cooking your potato skins, but this
recipe uses the skins almost acts like a bell pepper, in that you stuff it.
24 Small Ground Turkey balls- buy already-made turkey balls or buy
ground turkey and make them yourself.
4 (8oz.) baking potatoes, baked and halved
1/2 cup of barbecue sauce
3/4 cup of Greek yogurt (plain)
1/2 cup of shredded Gouda cheese (2oz) Not a fan of Gouda?
Use mozzarella, or provolone or cheddar
Chopped chives (optional)
Hot sauce
To make:
Heat up the oven to 400*F. Toss meatballs with BBQ sauce.
Scoop out the potatoes, leaving 1/4″ -thick shells.
Transfer the potato filling to a bowl; add 1/4 yogurt, 1/4 tsp. of salt
and 1/8 tsp. of black pepper. Mash and mix well and spoon into
the skins. Transfer the skins to a baking sheet. Top each potato
half with a few meatballs and some cheese. Bake until the cheese starts
to melt and turn a light golden brown.(10 to 15 mins.) Add the remaining
yogurt and sprinkle on some chives and hot sauce. (If desired).
Calories per half of a baked potato-315, Carbs-63g. Prot-40g.

Recipe No. 2-
Cheddar Potato Gratin!
Do you love baked pasta dishes? Like lasagna or baked ziti?
Well, this is similar, but instead of pasta, potatoes are the main
starch source,
1 cup of half-and-half
1 Tbs. of all-purpose flour
1 clove of garlic, minced
2 lbs. of potatoes (Yukon gold or Russet)
3 oz. of white cheddar, shredded
To make:
Heat oven to 375*F. Grease a 2 1/2-qt. baking dish. In a pot, mix
half and half, 3/4 cup of water, flour, garlic, 1/2 tsp. of salt and 1/4 tsp.
of black pepper and potatoes; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to medium-
low. Cook, stirring, until potatoes are almost tender and the water has thickened,
about 5 mins. Transfer to the baking dish; top with cheese, cover with aluminum
foil and bake for 20 mins. Uncover the dish and turn on the broiler.
Broil for a few minutes or until the cheese turns a golden brown.
Calories for a serving-220, Carbs-31g. Prot-8g.

* John McDougall, M.D. and author or The Starch Solution
* Journal of Natural Medicine
* Recipes from First For Women- Apr.11th 2024 Issue

Please pass this article and the recipes on to all of your potato-loving
family and friends who are tired of mashed, French-fried or baked
Share the info on Facebook, Instagram, (stories), Pinterest, Reddit,
Snapchat, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
