Do you have any candy canes leftover from Christmas?
Well, before tossing them out or giving them away, you may want to hold
onto them.

They (candy canes) can improve your health in 3 ways.
Not a believer?
Oh yes, it’s true and the 3 health benefits you can get:
* A Happiness Boost-
Eating a candy cane or adding some candy to a drink (hot or cold)
can help you feel more upbeat and sunnier in less than 30 minutes.
The flavor and scent prompts the release of mood-boosting alpha waves-
electrical impulses in the brain that help you feel happier and more upbeat.

* A Energy Boost-
Eat or drink a little peppermint each day and increase your energy throughout
the day and boost endurance while doing strenuous tasks.
Antioxidants in peppermint ward off stamina-sapping oxidative stress.

* Reduce Aches & Pains-
It may not come close to tart cherries in terms of pain reduction,
but just inhaling the scent can help tamp down pain signals and
ease ache-causing inflammation.

So, there you have 3 ways some peppermint candy or peppermint tea
can enhance your health and if you want to get a head start on 1 or all
3 benefits, then try using some peppermint to make these 2 “adult”
cocktails for New Year’s eve.

The 2 cocktails:
Cocktail No. 1-
Peppermint Bark Mimosas!
3 Tbs.of simple syrup
4 candy canes, crushed
1 oz. of vodka
1 oz. of creme de cacao
Sparkling wine
To make:
Dip rims of 2 flutes in the syrup, then the candy.
Add the vodka and creme de cacao, finish up by pouring
a small amount of sparkling wine on top.
Makes 2 cocktails.
Calories per serving-230, Prot-0g. Carbs-48g.
Important tip:
Not sure how to make or get simple syrup?
Just google recipe for simple syrup for a cocktail.

Cocktail No. 2-
Candy Cane White Russian!
3 Tbs.of simple syrup
1/4 cup of red sprinkles
2 oz. of coffee liqueur
2 oz. of vodka
1 tsp. of peppermint extract
4 oz. of half-and-half
2 whole candy canes
To make:
Dip 2 glasses in the syrup, then the sprinkles; invert. In ice-filled cocktail
shakers, combine the last 4 ingredients; strain.
Place a candy cane over the side of each drink as a garnish.
Makes 2 servings.
Calories per cocktail- 400, Prot-2g. Carbs-55g.

* Imbibe Magazine
* Bartender’s Magazine
* Swedish Health Journal

Please pass this article (and recipes) on to family and friends who love
peppermint candy canes and tea and those who enjoy adult beverages.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tik-Tok,
Snapchat and Twitter.

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who have read our articles and support this site (blog).