Ladies, have you been avoiding soy because of reports that it’s not that good for you?

Well, you can continue to believe those stories, or you can believe the stories
about women in Japan and China living well into their 80’s and 90’s
without any of the health problems that occur in so many women in other
parts of the world.

If you’re ready and willing to believe your Japanese and Chinese sisters, good
for you and if you need more info regarding this incredible protein and what it
can do for you, continue reading.

a) Weight Loss-
Having trouble getting rid of that padding around your hips and stomach?
Soy may be the answer you’re looking for. Soy stimulates body cells to burn
fat for fuel. And something even better: Eating it for 2 to 3 days restarts the
weight loss process.
b) Female Issues-
Have problems with spotting? Soy to the rescue. Women who added soy to their
diets, got four more panty-liner-free days per month. Soy’s gentle estrogens nourish
the uterine lining and keep it intact until your period actually begins.
c) A Healthier Heart-
Concerned about your arteries clogging? Reverse any problems with soy.
Adding more soy to your diet cuts your artery-clogging LDL (bad) cholesterol by
15% and lowers blood pressure by 10%. Antioxidants in soy can relax arteries and
dampen the liver’s cholesterol production–as long as you’re not sabotaging your
diet with processed foods, sugary foods and foods loaded with trans fats.
d) Healthier Breasts-
Ever wonder why Asian women don’t have the high number of breast cancer
cases like their American counterparts? Give credit to their healthier diets of
fish, miso, seaweed, green and jasmine teas, vegetables and soy.
Adding more soy lowers breast cancer risk by 20%. Mild estrogen-like
compounds in soy, block the effects of a woman’s stronger, more damaging
estrogens-but only if you get your soy from food and not supplements.
Soy supplements may increase breast cancer risk.
e) Youthful Skin-
Want younger skin but are afraid of or don’t have the money for cosmetic surgery?
According to researchers, 60% of women say they saw a big improvement in
skin tone and texture after a few weeks of eating soy.
Soy is rich in isoflavones–plant compounds that increase the production of
skin-firming collagen.

So, there you have it, some fun facts about the misunderstood food known as soy.
And if you need help in deciding what type of soy foods to add to your diet or how to
cook them, look to the internet for help.
Go to, and type edamame, soy milk, soy beans and tofu into the subject line,
and you’ll find plenty of information and recipes to help you get started on your “soy” journey.

* Aaron Tabor, authour of The Revival Slim and Beautiful Diet
* Hyla Cass, author of Supplement Your Prescription
* Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zone Kitchen
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