If you’re a fan of the “Blue Zones” then you’ll really appreciate this post (and recipe).
What are Blue Zones?
Certain areas of the World where people live the longest and healthiest lives,
consistently reaching age 100 and one of those blue zones is Sardinia Italy.

And if you’re not able to travel to Sardinia, but want some secrets (and recipes),
you’re in luck. The recipe used by Sardinians, and a lot of Italians is used as
a topping for pasta, stews and soups.

What is it?

It’s a sauce loaded with health-enhancing ingredients linked to the region’s
long life expectancy. And while its rich taste may seem decadent and indulgent,
it’s actually good for you, and if you’re not sure how to make it or if you buy it,
save your money and buy the following ingredients and make it yourself.

a) Olive Oil-
No surprise here, Italians have used olive oil for decades and if you want to
keep your heart in tip-top shape, consume more of it.
Olive oil helps prevent blood clots, lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol and reduces
your risk of a heart attack or stroke by more than 40%.

b) Garlic-
Another superfood that helps Italians live long lives and if you want a
super strong Immune system, add more garlic to your meals.
The same compounds that give garlic its pungent flavor, allicin and sulfur,
make it a powerful antibiotic similar to penicillin. Plus, garlic fortifies your
immune system, slashing your risk of colds and flu, by 60%. And if you do get
sick, just eat some garlic at the first sign of symptoms. Garlic activates infection-
fighting white blood cells, helping you recover up to three days faster.

c) Basil-
A small amount of basil will do you some good. What kind of good?
How about turning back the clock on your bones, cells and eyesight.
A half-cup of fresh basil gives you ample amounts of vitamin K, which
increases bone density and stimulates bone-building proteins, reducing
postmenopausal fractures by 30%. Plus, the herb slashes your risk of developing
cataracts and protects your cells from environmental and age-related damage.
Important tips:
Fresh basil can be pricey and if you want to save money, then you may
use fresh parsley or cilantro. Another tip: You can also go online to
Youtube.com and learn how to grow fresh basil in your own home (on the
window sill).

d) Pine Nuts-
Not as popular as cashews, almonds or pistachios, but when it comes
to enhancing your health, pine nuts surely deliver. And the health benefits
they impart: Weight-loss.
Yes, consider them tasty diet pills without the side effects that are often found
in Dr. prescribed diet pills. Pine nuts are packed with more hunger-satisfying
protein than any other seed or nut and the compound in them (pinolenic acid)
revs activity of appetite-suppressing hormones. Eat a small amount of the
buttery nuts each day and you’ll shut down your appetite for up to 4 hours and
effortlessly reduce calorie intake by 35%.
Important tip:
Can’t find pine nuts, you may use a small amount of walnuts, pistachios or
Macadamia nuts.

e) Hard Cheese-
Like red meat, egg yolks and coffee, cheese often gets a bad rap as a food
one should eat very little of or avoid altogether. But researchers say just the
opposite, a little (top quality) hard cheese each day can benefit your health in
a number of ways, like…
Stronger Immune system
Reduced risk of heart attacks
Better thyroid health
Stronger bones
Regulates blood sugar levels
Helps prevent plaque buildup on your teeth, resulting in fewer or no cavities

f) A Recipe For Pesto-
Now that you’re aware of the ingredients in pesto, it’s time to learn how to
make it yourself and start reaping the health benefits like your brothers and
sisters who reside in Italy.

No-cook Pesto!
1/4 cup of pine nuts
2 cups of Basil (fresh)
2 garlic cloves (peeled)
1/3 cup of top quality extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tbs. of grated hard cheese (Parmesan) or Pecorino
Salt and Pepper, 1/2 tsp. of each (optional)
To make:
You may want to use a food processor, but since it’s such a
small amount of ingredients, a blender or juicer will work just fine.
To help speed things up, you may want to chop the basil and garlic by hand.
Add the basil, garlic, nuts, olive oil and cheese to the blender and blend until
smooth. Put the salt and pepper in and blend for another 10 to 15 seconds.
And lastly, check the consistency, if you like it thick, leave it alone, but if
you want it a little thinner, add a Tbs. or more of olive oil or water.

g) More Ideas For Pesto-
If you tire of using pesto on pasta, try these other alternatives.
Use it as a topping for pizza. Or add it to potato, macaroni or egg salad,
drizzle it over a veggie stir-fry, or use it to dress up scrambled or
fried eggs and if you run out of mustard or mayonnaise, use it
as a sandwich spread.

* European Research Team
* Natalia Stasenko, R.D.
* Italian Researchers On The Benefits of The Blue Zone Diet

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