Concerned that you may come out of this holiday worn out and unhealthier?

Well, believe it or not, you don’t have to spend hundreds on supplements,
or juice up organic fruits and vegetables or spend hours in the gym,
all you have to for more happiness and health this holiday season, is…

a) Bake-
Baking cookies and other treats for friends and family helps you go back
in time when things were simpler and merrier, but it (baking) can also
improve your memory.
How, you ask?
Doing everything from measuring ingredients, to thinking of the step-by-step
instructions to socializing with friends and family lights up areas of the brain
in charge of retaining information.
To get more of a memory boost: Flex your creativity in the kitchen–
whether by devising your own holiday recipe or adding an artistic flair
to your cookies–forces your brain to make lots of micro-decisions that hone
your memory even more.

b) Sing-
If you enjoy caroling, continue to do more of it as can shut down coughs.
Caroling is fun, but the real benefits are gathering with people you enjoy
being around and as a result- your anxiety and depression levels drop.
Plus, the deep breathing needed to sing those carols revs your resilience
to coughs and other respiratory ailments by expanding your lung capacity.
To really enhance your respiratory system, sing the extremely popular
classics known as White Christmas, Silent NIght and Winter Wonderland.
These songs really require you to hold longer notes and breathe even more
deeply than other popular Christmas songs.

c) Lighting Candles-
If you light a menorah or just a few candles to make the room look more festive,
you’re doing wonders for your stress levels. Staring at a flickering flame helps
you slow down and stay in the moment. Plus, soft candlelights can melt stress
and enhance your overall sense of well-being, melt tension and trigger the
relaxing brain waves.
Pick The Right Candle-
Look for a pine-scented candle to boost even more feelings of calm.
Plus, a pine-scented candle takes you back to a time when you played in
the woods with friends and reminiscing helps you relax and feel more calm.
Important tip:
Make sure to keep all candles, matches and lighters away from kids and pets.

d) Say a Prayer-
If you only pray a few times a year or not at all, you may want to do it
this holiday season and beyond, why?
Prayer improves your immunity. Plus, saying a prayer or two a day
helps you recover faster from a host of health issues, from the
common cold to open heart surgery. Connecting to a higher
power spurs the production of the natural killer cells that zap germs.
Say This Prayer-
Not sure what prayer to say? Simply talking to the universe, an entity
or an imaginary wise elder about your problems, increases your self-esteem
by helping you see yourself in a nonjudgmental light.

That’s it, for today, and make sure to read past posts and share these posts
with Facebook friends and your real friends.

Thank- You!

Good Luck, Good Eating and Good Health!

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Check out our new E-Doc, The Procrastinator’s Guide To Picking Up Last-Minute
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* Mother Nature Magazine
* Church of Latter-Day Saints
* Yankee Candle
* Journal of Alternative Health