If bone loss (osteoporosis) is a concern you or a family member is worried
about, before going the pharmaceutical route, you may want to
eat more foods that help bones prevent thinning and foods that
contribute to bone-building.

The foods listed below will help you accomplish both goals, and
after that, copy the recipe using those same ingredients.

a) Broccoli-
Has as much bone-building calcium as milk, and more vitamin C
(which boosts calcium absorption) than citrus fruits.

b) Spinach-
Rich in vitamin K, which helps thicken bones and lowers your risk of
hip fractures.
Important tip: Buy a bag of spinach or fresh spinach and clean it
to remove any dirt.

c) Brown Rice-
Rich in magnesium, which can also build up bones and prevent thinning.
Important tip: Make the rice the day before or a few hours before making
the soup.

d) Leeks-
Have anti-inflammatory properties that protect joints against
the pain and swelling associated with osteo-and rheumatoid arthritis.
Important tip: Make sure to clean leeks thoroughly as they hold onto a
lot of dirt.

e) Onions-
Build mass with onions. Thanks to the polyphenols in onions, it is one
of the best foods for those who want to keep their legs and other limbs
thick and strong. Another plus, onions are especially great for women
who are going through menopause or have gone through it.

f) A Recipe For Bone-Building Soup-
Make this delicious soup and protect your bones from the ravages
of aging.

Hearty Bone-Building Soup!
To make:
In a large pot, heat up a Tbs. of extra-virgin olive oil over medium heat.
Add 1 leek, (white and green parts only) and 1 onion, sliced.
Cook, stirring until softened, about 4 to 5 mins. Add 2 cans of low-sodium
chicken, beef or vegetable broth, 1 can of diced tomatoes, (14 or 15 oz.)
Add 3 cups of broccoli florets, 1 tsp. of dried marjoram, 1/4 tsp. of garlic
powder, 1/4 tsp. of turmeric and 1/2 tsp. of salt. Cover. Bring to a boil;
then reduce heat to medium-low, and cook until broccoli is tender, add
1 package of spinach, during the last 2 minutes and the last step,
add 1 1/2 cups of cooked brown rice and heat for another 1 to 2 minutes.
Enough for 6 servings.
Calories per serving- 140

For more flavor or to make it more of a meal- add some cooked chicken
(thighs, breast or legs) or leftover beef ribs or bones, or ham from your
Easter meal.

* Journal-Menopause
* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* Vegan Times- Magazine
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