If you’re a fan of Dan Buettner’s fascinating take on aging, (The Blue Zones), then you
already know that some of World’s longest living people come from Okinawa Japan,
Ikaria Greece and some Scandinavian countries.

But wait, he may have forgotten to mention the people of The Hunza Valley.
It’s located in Northern Pakistan, near the border with India.

The Hunza people (or tribe) were featured in a Time magazine article more than 50 years
ago, but rarely mentioned since then.

So, if you’re a fan of people who live long or you just want some secrets for reaching
the age of 80, 90 or beyond, continue reading.

a) High Altitudes-
Some say being so high up, away from modern conveniences may be one of their secrets.
Breathing in that clean fresh air, keeps their lungs and other organs super strong.
Your Rx:
If you can’t get to Pakistan, you may want to move to the high altitude areas of the U.S.
also known as Colorado.

b) Pristine Soil-
The reason so much of the food in the U.S. is of poor quality is because of the soil.
Their soil isn’t touched by harmful sewage or pollutants, (exhaust from cars, etc.)
Your Rx: You can make a small garden in your yard and control what goes into
the soil, or you can find a farmer (in your area) who only uses “natural” methods
on his or her crops.

c) Drama-Free-
It’s been revealed that late actress Betty White refused to listen to negative gossip
about co-workers, friends or family and it may be one of the reasons why she lived to 99.
The Hunza tribes don’t engage in negativity, harmful gossip, or badmouthing
those around them.
Important tip: If you’re a fan of political news and noticed that you spend a lot of time
bad-mouthing the opposition, you may want to take a break from all of the news, (good
or bad), doing so may increase your life.

d) Bathe This Way-
It’s rumored that the Hunzas bathe in very cold water a few times a week and researchers
say that doing this may boost immunity, helping you prevent a host of illnesses and diseases.
Your Rx: Not ready to jump into a cold lake or tub? No problem, if you’re a fan of showers,
just turn the water down and take a 15 second shower at first and then a 30 second cold
Another tip: Head to youtube.com and type Wim Hof in the search bar.
This man has made a career of taking cold baths and then teaching people how to
use cold water to build super immune systems.

e) Exercise-
Hours of weightlifting and marathon running are two exercises you will never see the
Hunzas do, their favorite exercises: walking and working their gardens.
No cars are able to get up in the mountains of Pakistan, so walking is the only
way to get around, literally miles each day. And new research says that toiling in soil
can also benefit your health, building muscle and stamina.
Your Rx: If you own your own home and have a small patch of land in the back,
use it to grow vegetables or flowers. Not a homeowner? Go to your local town
council and see if they have community gardens and ask if you can volunteer.
Or try and get 2,000 or 5,000 and then 10,000 steps each day.

f) Close Knit Families-
Again, this goes under the treat family and friends with kindness. Avoid the drama
and tension that may come from living with family and friends.
Your Rx: Although not possible all of time, try and keep family get-togethers
as positive and drama-free as possible.

g) Sleep-
In the U.S. sleep (or lack of it) has been in the news for 2 decades now, but
the Hunzas who don’t have electricity, head to bed as soon as the sun sets
and sleep through the night.
Your Rx: You can’t follow the sleep habits of the Hunza tribes, but you can
go to bed a little earlier. Also make sure to shut down T.V.s, phones and laptops
about an hour or two before bed.

h) Diet-
Many people may not be interested in family ties or the soil, they just want to know
“what do they eat?”
Ever hear of plant-based and raw food diets? Well, this is the diet that the people have
followed for centuries and it may be one of the biggest reasons why many of them
live for a century and beyond. Plus, they not only make it to 100+, they make it without
any serious health issues (heart disease, diabetes, dementia or cancer).
Your Rx: It may not be possible to get the cleanest food in the U.S. but you can
still follow a clean diet, read labels to avoid chemicals and preservatives, avoid processed
foods and head to family farms who sell organic meats and produce.

i) Fruit and Fasting-
Another secret to their long life: Apricots. It grows like weeds grow in the U.S and the Hunzas
eat it as a main dish, lunch and for dessert. In fact, the Hunzas try and save a lot of the apricots
before the weather turns bad and their not able to garden.
So, what’s special about apricots? Loaded with vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.
They boost heart health, are good for your blood, keep skin and hair youthful and keep
bones strong, (Osteoporosis) is unheard of in the hills of Pakistan.
Your Rx:
You can buy apricots in the Summer and Fall, clean them and freeze. You may
want to avoid dried apricots, due to the chemicals and sugars in them.
Also continue to eat a wide array of fruits that’ll benefit your health.
Now, onto fasting. As mentioned in the above statement, the Hunza tribes don’t
have refrigeration, so they make sure to put away some vegetables and plenty of apricots
and during the 3 months when the weather is harsh, they drink vegetable and apricot
juice to stay hale and hearty.
Your Rx: Some say the Hunzas may be the first to do “Intermittent fasting” cutting out
meals and only eating within a 5 or 6 hour window. You may want to emulate them
and skip breakfast a few times a week and only eat lunch or dinner. Or eat breakfast
and lunch and then give your system a break for the rest of the day.
The benefits: Better sleep, less wear and tear on organs, stable moods, lower blood
pressure and a few extra years of life. (Longevity).

There you have it, the first people of the “Blue Zones” who may hold the secrets to
living well into your 90’s and 100’s without any illnesses or diseases.

* Longevity Magazine
* Life Extension, Magazine
* David Sinclair, Anti-aging expert on Youtube
* Marvels of Pakistan, Youtube Channel

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