You may already be familiar with some of the benefits you get
from the Spring (warmer) weather, but for those who think getting outdoors
and exercising more or getting some Sun (vitamin D) is all of the Spring
season has to offer, you’re wrong. New research, says that the Spring
weather can also benefit you in 2 other ways.

1st Benefit-
Chilly Weather!
Depending on what part of the country you’re in, the still chilly temperatures
do offer you a big benefit. The benefit: Colder weather improves insulin sensitivity.
When your skin is exposed to cold temperatures, it activates a heat-generating
chemical in your brown fat, (Maresin 2) and this reduces inflammation and
raises your metabolism. And this, results in better insulin control and a
lower risk of getting diabetes.

2nd Benefit-
Create a Garden!
You may have heard about some of the health benefits you can get from
planting or even working in a garden. You know- stronger bones, more
vitamin D, exercise and on and on, but new research says that planting
a garden can help you become less depressed. Researchers say that just
working or sitting in a garden for 8 weeks can do wonders for your mental
health. Plus, gardening can help you feel more calm and less anxious.
Not able to get outdoors to plant or sit in a garden? No problem, just
get some indoor plants and work on them for a few minutes each day.
And one last tip- planting all types of healthy fruits and vegetables
and then eating them, can also do wonders for your mental health.
Make sure to leave out (or eat on a rare occasion) processed foods
and stick to healthy fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, seeds, fish and
plenty of good quality water.

* University of Florida, Research Dept.
* Joslin Diabetes Center
* Brigham & Women’s Hospital

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Spring season. You can share it on Facebook, Instagram, (stories),
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