A salad for those under age 55, what does that mean?
Well, according to the latest news, more men and women under the age
of 55 are being diagnosed with colon cancer.

But don’t despair, do something to lower your chances of
becoming a statistic and those things are…
Start getting tested at age 40 or 45 and eating the foods that
can cut your risk by as much as 75%.
The foods:

a) Blueberries-
Prevent polyps with berries. Enjoying at least 2 servings of berries
a day drops your risk of developing precancerous intestinal
polyps by 40%. All fruit is good for you, but berries offer benefits
that can help you prevent colon cancer. Blueberries are rich in
nutrients (anthocyanins) that prevent troublemaking irritation
in the digestive tract, which helps you lower your risk of colon
cancer by 50%.

b) Go Nuts-
Not literally, but eating them can help you lower your odds of getting
colon cancer. What nuts specifically? Almonds, cashews, pistachios, pecans,
hazelnuts or even Brazil nuts. Nuts are rich in beta-sitosterol, a compound
that shuts down the growth of 30% of abnormal colon cells, and you’ll only
need about 1/4 cup each day. Plus, if your risk is a bit higher than normal
due to polyps or family history, a trio of nutrients in nuts–omega-3 fats,
manganese and magnesium, is shown to switch off the genes that
encourage abnormal cells to grow.

c) Rice-
This may explain why there are such low rates of cancer in the Asian
communities and if you want to be more like your Asian brothers and
sisters, eat more rice. It (rice) is a resistant starch that lingers in your
digestive tract, and releases fatty acids that seem to block tumor formation.
Researchers say that the effect is dramatic enough that you can significantly
lower your risk in less than 3 weeks.
Important tip:
To make rice a resistant starch; cook it, let it cool and refrigerate it.
Eat it the next day or 2 days later.

d) Non-Food Tip-
A non food tip to help you lower colon cancer risks: Exercise.
No need to train for a marathon or lift weights for an hour or two each day,
all that’s required is 30 mins. of exercise each day. Leisurely strolling,
gentle yoga or even dancing to golden oldies is all you need to do to lower
your odds of getting colon cancer by 40%. Exercise is a great way to “stay regular”
(meaning more bowel movements) and that’s the key to whisking toxins from
your digestive tract before they can cause damage.

e) A Fruity Salad-
Romaine lettuce and onions can slash your risk of colon cancer by a
whopping 70% and then add some blueberries and that number goes up
a little higher. Lettuce, berries and onions are proven cancer fighters that
contain compounds that increase your immune system’s ability to destroy
abnormal cancer cells before they turn cancerous.

f) Recipe For a Cancer-Preventing Salad-
The salad: Blueberry Chicken Salad!
2 boneless and skinless chicken breast halves, about 1 pound
salt & pepper
1 Tbs. plus 1/3 cup of olive oil
3 Tbs. of red wine vinegar
2 tsp. of Dijon mustard
1 head of Romaine lettuce, finely chopped
2 cups of fresh or frozen blueberries, if using frozen,
allow to thaw out for at least 30 minutes before adding to the salad
1 cup of toasted pecans or walnuts, finely chopped
2/3 cup of diced red onion
Cheese, optional (choose blue cheese or any soft cheese)
To make:
Generously season chicken breasts with salt and pepper. In a
large nonstick skillet, heat 1 Tbs. of oil over medium-high heat.
Add the chicken; cook, turning once, 5 to 8 mins. per side or until
no longer pink inside. Transfer the chicken to a cutting board; let rest
for 5 mins, then cut into bite-size pieces. After that, whisk together
1/3 cup of olive oil, vinegar, honey, mustard and a pinch of salt and pepper.
In a larger bowl, place the berries, nuts, onion, cheese and chicken.
Drizzle on the dressing and gently toss and serve immediately.
Enough for 4 or 5 servings.

* Cornell University, Research Dept.
* Harvard University, Research Dept.
* Journal Alternative Health
* A Taste of Home-Magazine

Please make sure to pass this article (and recipe) on to loved
ones who have a history of colon cancer or who are under the age
of 55. Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram (stories), Snapchat,
Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn and Twitter.
