Talk of other diseases and illnesses have taken a back seat to the Pandemic.
You know, there’s no talk of Aids, the opioid problem, diabetes, heart disease
or Parkinson’s disease.

Yes, Parkinson’s disease, a nervous system disorder that strikes about 60,000
more Americans every year. Parkinson’s affects nerve cells in brain, making things
like loading the dishwasher, buttoning a shirt or even talking very difficult.

But hold on, there’s some good news, thanks to the fund raising and
public appearances made by actor Michael J. Fox, educating the masses
about this degenerative disease, researchers have discovered some
surprisingly simple and preventive remedies, like…

a) Going Organic-
Yeah, it does cost more, but if you like apples, celery, strawberries,
blueberries, cherries, and grapes, (any fruit or vegetable that has a skin
and doesn’t have to be peeled), then you may want to choose organic.
These foods are most likely to be treated with lots of pesticides.
And according to researchers, eating foods high in pesticides
often can inhibit your brain’s ability to sweep out toxins before
they can cause harm. So, choosing organic foods like the ones
mentioned, can cut your odds of getting Parkinson’s by 45%.
Not able to afford organic? Fill a bowl with water and pour 1/4
cup of vinegar or a few Tbs. of baking soda in, let the fruit or vegetables
soak for a few mins. and then rinse the produce off with warm water.

Eat More Of This Fruit-
Red grapes to be exact. These colored grapes are packed with something
called “resveratrol,” an antioxidant that helps ward off Parkinson’s by
flushing brain-aging pollution and other toxins out through the kidneys.

c) Coffee or Tea-
Or both. Both beverages contain caffeine that switches on genes that
speed the repair of damaged brain cells and shield healthy ones from harm.
Your Rx to prevent Parkinson’s: 2 cups of coffee or 3 to 4 cups of strong tea,
Important tip: Watch the sugar and side dishes you have with that
coffee or tea. (pastries, donuts, canolis, birthday cake, muffins, etc.)
A steady diet of sugar laden, unhealthy treats also raises your odds
of getting Parkinson’s.

d) Go Italian-
As in eat more tomatoes. Eating four cups of tomatoes each week,
(cooked or raw) can cut your risk of Parkinson’s by 20%.
Tomatoes contain a special type of safe and edible form of
nicotine (yes nicotine) that soaks into brain nerves and helps
them function properly.
Not a fan of tomatoes? Get the same benefits from cauliflower,
bells peppers, hot peppers and eggplant.

e) Go Icelandic-
As in drink more Kefir. Having lots of healthy probiotic bacteria
in your intestines helps prevent Parkinson’s because the bacteria
produce hormones that nourish brain cells.
Look for kefir (a yogurt-like drink) at your local supermarket
or go online to find it. Type the best kefirs in the search bar and
then go to or and buy those brands.

f) The Spice of Life-
The spice: Turmeric. Turmeric is used in a number of countries
the way salt and pepper are used in the U.S. and it may explain
their low levels of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
Turmeric contains compounds that prevent plaque in
and around the brain.
Use it to season soups, egg or meat dishes, pasta sauces,
stews, stir-fries, or make a tea. Boil some water, add the water
to a mug, add 1/2 tsp. of turmeric, stir well and sip slowly.
Add a tsp. of honey if the tea is too bitter.

g) Supplemental Help-
If you’re not a fan of fish, then go for a fish oil capsule
and vitamin D. Take fish oil and vitamin D daily and it could reduce
your Parkinson’s disease risk by 50%. Fish oil shuts off damaging
inflammation, (a major Parkinson’s trigger) and vitamin D, improves
the function of hundreds of protective genes in your brain.
Important tip: Make sure to talk to your healthcare provider
before adding any type of supplement to your daily regimen.

h) Exercise-
Not only important to keep the heart healthy and your weight down,
exercising (a few times a week) can lower your odds of Parkinson’s
by 40%. Your brain needs a steady flow of blood sugar to function
at top levels and if your sugar levels drop too low (or rise too high)
it can damage and prematurely age your brain nerves.
And a prematurely aging brain is ripe for developing Parkinson’s.
Exercise improves your insulin sensitivity and blood-sugar control,
helping to keep the brain’s sugar levels in the healthy, protective range.
The best exercise doctors recommend: Fast walking.
Important tip:
If you or someone close to you has Parkinson’s, and they don’t do
any type of exercise, try and get him (or her) to take a Tai Chi class.
Tai chi triggers an immediate improvement in mobility, muscle
control, balance and coordination for those who may be afflicted.

i) No Smoking-
If you don’t smoke, good for you and for those who do, you
may want to quit, today. Smoking, like poor eating causes
a lot of plaque and inflammation, and as mentioned earlier,
you want to keep the brain free of any types of inflammation,
to ensure you’ll never be diagnosed with Parkinson’s.
So, if you are a smoker and in good health, check online
resources on the best ways to quit.
* Seattle’s University of Washington
* Roger Kurlan, M.D.
* Muhammad Ali Charitable Organization
* David Perlmutter, M.D. and Author

That’s it, and don’t forget, to check out our second site,
located at Once at Etsy, type
in the search bar.
The site features digital products, (paper placemats) that contain
a recipe or (two) that correlates to an illness or disease you
(or a loved one) may need help with. Download the recipe,
and bring it with you the store and buy the ingredients
listed on the recipe. Or just collect them (the recipes)
and make your own alternative health scrapbook.
Robert and Daria Jones!