There’s some good news and some bad news in regards to cancer.
The good news: Overall cancer rates are declining.
And the bad news: Throat cancer is on the rise.

It’s a specific kind of cancer called Adenocarcinoma (growths
that start in the throat’s lining) and the number of cases have
risen by 650% in the past 20 years.

Why the increase of this type of cancer?
The high rates of heartburn and obesity,
both of which disrupt cell function and speed
the growth of abnormal cells in the throat.

So, if you’re dealing with chronic heartburn and
carrying a few extra pounds, you may want to protect
yourself against this type of cancer and all you have to
do is, use the tips listed below…

a) Berries, Berries and More Berries-
Luckily, it’s almost that time of year when all types of berries
will be available and affordable and if you enjoy them,
then make sure to buy plenty and freeze them.
According to researchers, eating 2 to 3 cups of berries a week,
can repair damaged cells in the throat, even benefiting those
who are at high risk for throat cancer, (especially heavy smokers)
stay in the clear.
All berries contain special antioxidants that stop the growth
of throat cancer in as little as one month.
Important tip:
Make sure to eat berries in a way that benefits your health.
A piece of pie or cobbler is okay as an occasional treat,
but indulging too often, (remember the sugar and white flour)
may increase your risk of throat cancer.
Eat bowls of fruit with some plain yogurt, add them to
hot or cold cereals or add them to smoothies.

b) Carrots-
Cancers have a tough time invading a body that has a strong
immune system, and if you want to bolster your immune system,
start eating more carrots and other foods with an orange hue.
Bright orange foods like pumpkin, sweet potatoes, oranges and
tangerines, butternut and acorn squash, are all loaded with immunity-
boosting compounds, called anthocyanins and beta-carotene.

c) Go Nuts-
As in eat more nuts. You may think adding nuts to your diet, may not
be a smart decision if you’re trying to avoid throat cancer, but the nuts are
needed to help you shed weight.
That’s right- chronic heartburn–which damages cells in delicate throat
tissues- is linked to 30% of all throat cancers.
And to lower your odds of getting it, eat a small handful of nuts, when
you want to snack on something like cake, pasta or cookies.
Nuts contain appetite-taming fats and help you lose up to 10 to 15 pounds
in a year, plus it triples your odds of keeping the weight off permanently.

d) Snack More-
Wait a minute, snack more? Won’t that cause weight gain, which is
a major cause of throat cancer?
No, the reason for frequent snacks is to keep your sugar levels
steady and hopefully avoid ever getting throat cancer.
High blood sugar fuels the growth of cancer cells, especially
those cells in the throat area.
And an easy way to prevent throat cancer is to have a snack every
2 to 3 hours, throughout the day.
And lastly, make sure to have snacks that are good for you,
you know, a small bowl of fruit, a medium-sized bowl of air-popped
popcorn, a cup of plain yogurt, half of a baked potato (with the skin) or
some plain veggies with a yogurt and mustard dip or some salsa.

e) Non-Food Tip-
Prevent throat cancer by getting a 30-min. procedure.
The procedure: A 30-minute outpatient procedure, called
the HALO Ablation System. This procedure uses a thin catheter
to quickly heat and destroy abnormal cells in the esophagus.
The result: A greater than 90% success rate at preventing throat
cancer, plus it allows you to return to normal activities in
a very short time.

* Eric Braverman, M.D.
* University of Hawaii, Research Dept.
* Stanford University, Research Dept.

And one last reminder, if you want a few recipes to help
you in your endeavor in achieving greater health, make
sure to visit our 2nd site, located at, (type
groceryrxshealthmats, in the search bar, once there,
download a recipe for thicker hair or prevention of
Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s and then-bring that digital
recipe with you to the grocery store and buy the items
on the list.