If you’ve been on a sweets binge since Halloween
and want to put an end to it, head to the grocery
store and pick up some sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha
or other fermented foods.

These foods contain probiotic bacteria that settle in your
stomach (gut), where they release compounds that dial
down the brain’s desire for unhealthy sweets and
highly processed carbs.

Plus, the bacteria in these foods will also release
compounds that help you digest sugar to stave off
bloat, headaches and other side effects from a diet of
too many sweets.

So, if you’re struggling with a raging sweet tooth,
it’s time to bring in the pickles and sauerkraut.

Important tip: you don’t need a a big serving of these
foods, a pickle (a day) or 2 Tbs. of sauerkraut or miso
will do.

Your grocery list for this week:
Miso Paste
