Now that the Spring season is here many of us will be switching
from the heavy comfort foods of Winter to the light and healthy
Spring fare, and doing this switch also means more GI upset.

What is GI upset?
Gastroenterology upset or Gastric issues.
And if you are suffering from one or more and want to bypass the
meds your private doctor may be offering, you’re in luck.

How so, you ask?
By putting the following items on your grocery list and then picking them
up, the items…
a) Citrus-
Pick up some oranges, tangerines or lemons and at the first sign of
nausea (morning sickness or car sickness) peel or cut into an orange or
lemon and take a deep whiff.
Doing this quashes stomach queasiness in less than a minute.
The aromatic oils from the citrus calms the nausea center in the brain.
Plus, they stimulate the vagus nerve, which helps the stomach muscles
contract and pass food quickly, alleviating stomach turning.
Another tip: If you’re not able to get to an orange or lime, just massage
the center of each hand, about 2 inches below each palm. Massage in
small circular motions for about 1 min. each hand.

b) Fennel-
The unusual and strange looking green veggie is a powerhouse remedy
for those suffering from bloating. The seeds in fennel can relieve bloat in
less than 30 mins. Fennel contains a compound that relaxes spasms in the
GI tract and allow gas to pass through. To get relief, just buy fennel seeds
and chew on a few to quell the bloating.

c) Get Outdoors-
Another win for the free medicine known as the Sun. Spending just 15 to 20
minutes outdoors (without sunscreen) can reduce GI discomfort by 55%.
When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D, a nutrient that
eases painful intestinal inflammation.

d) A Piece of Ginger-
If you or a family member suffers from heartburn, get some fresh ginger
and get quick relief. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory spice and is 5 times
more effective that proton pump inhibitors at relieving reflux symptoms.
To get the benefits- buy ginger tea bags or fresh ginger (and add to
regular tea or a bowl of oatmeal) or buy some ginger candy and chew on
piece when heartburn starts to flare up.

e) Sweet Molasses-
Constipation is considered a GI issue and if you or a family member is
going through it and want something quick and natural, try blackstrap
molasses. It (molasses) works as well as laxatives at easing constipation.
It’s loaded with magnesium, a mineral that has a gentle laxative effect.
Take 1 Tbs. an hour before and you should be able to get relief by the
More natural tips to end constipation: Eat more fruits & vegetables,
especially those with the peels, (apples, pears, plums, cucumbers, potatoes,
sweet potatoes, and green squash). And drink more water.

That’s it- a simple guide to ending winter GI issues.

* Stanford Univer. California (research dept.)
* Journal of Ethnopharmacology
* William Li, M.D. author of Eat to Beat Disease
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