Balance Your Blood Sugar With Food!


Maximizing your ability to use sugar-controlling insulin slows
aging of your body cells- which reduces your odds of getting
type-2 diabetes by 60%. Plus, you’ll also lower your odds of
getting some cancers, heart disease and dementia.

And to boost your insulin sensitivity levels-  put the
following items on your grocery list, and after buying the
items, make the dish, listed below.

1 can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
8 oz. cremini mushrooms, quartered
2 drained roasted red peppers from a jar, cut into
1/2 ” pieces
1/3 cup of red wine vinegar or sherry vinegar
1/4 olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
Small pinch of crushed red peppers
2 tbs. chopped parsley or fresh oregano
salt and pepper to taste
To make: Marinated Mushroom and Chickpea Salad!

In a large bowl, combine chickpeas, mushrooms
and red peppers.
In a small pot on medium heat, combine the vinegar,
oil, garlic and pepper flakes, bring just
to a low boil. Pour over the mushrooms and chickpeas;
gently stir. Let stand, still making sure to stir occasionally,
allowing the dressing to be absorbed, about 8 to 10 minutes.
Add the herbs, and sprinkle on some salt and pepper.
Serve at room temperature or chilled.
Enough for 4 servings.

Eat this a few times a week to keep your
insulin and blood sugar levels at healthy levels.