With a few weeks of summer left, many will be taking advantage of the weather by
cooking outdoors, (grilling) and if you plan on using your grill, you may want to
make sure you cook a certain food this way.

The Food: Steak. (Beef)
And the way you should prepare it is by cooking it medium-rare.
Why? Scientists studied thousands of people for a number of years and those
who avoided “well-done” steak (beef) were 150 % less likely to develop type-2
The researchers say that cooking animal protein at higher temperatures causes
the creation of inflammatory compounds that can interfere with cells’ response to
insulin over time, whereas lightly browned meats have fewer of these harmful

So, in closing, if you or a family member like your steaks and burgers cooked well-done,
you may want to think about the information you’ve just read and start cooking your
beef medium-rare.

* Harvard Research Team
* The Journal of Nutrition

Please pass this information on to all family and friends who love steak and
burgers well done, and the potential risk they may be in the not-too-distant

Pass it along over at Facebook, Instagram, (stories), Pinterest, Reddit,
Snapchat, Tik-Tok & Twitter (X).

Thank- You!