Change your genes with food, exercise and cat videos.

Do you think that just because Grandma or Grandpa had a certain
illness or disease, you’re going to have it too?
Think again, this simply isn’t true.

Our bodies are made up of dozens of genes, with the power to boost your health,
prevent illnesses and diseases and even slow down aging, and to activate these
genes, all you have to do is…

a) Watch The Sugar-
Dr. Oz warned us about the destructive power of this addictive sweet about 12 yrs. ago,
and unfortunately, many of us still indulge to this day.
Not only does sugar cause weight to increase, it also doubles your risk of high blood
pressure. To counter this, you must avoid (or really limit) the sweetened drinks,
switch to to top quality, whole-grain, high fiber carbs and cut back on or find a new
method of making sweet treats like cookies, brownies, muffins, etc. Researchers say
eating less sugar deactivates the high-blood pressure gene, taming hypertension
within 3 months.
Another tip: Not sure how to go “sugar-free?”
No problem, thanks to the internet, you should be able to find help there.
Head to and type recipe for sugar-free desserts or fruit juices.
b) Extra-Virgin Olive Oil-
There’s coconut, avocado, canola, grapeseed, safflower and vegetable oil,
but if you want to turn off the cancer-causing genes, start adding more
EVOO to meals, salads, and baked goods. Olive oil contains oleic acid, a
healthy compound that cuts your risk of certain cancers by 25%.
c) Eat Mushrooms-
Yes, they (mushrooms) don’t appeal to everyone, but if obesity is genetic in
your family, then you may want to start eating them. Not only do mushrooms help
you shed weight slowly and easily, (even if you’re predisposed to be overweight),
they (mushrooms) can kill cravings for a lot of the things that cause you to be overweight.
Need a recipe for a sauteed mushroom dish? Head to our new store, click buy recipes
at the top of this page, and look for the image- 3 recipes to unlock your “good-health genes.”
Pt. 2.
d) Spices and Herbs-
Garlic, pepper, oregano and turmeric-all contain compounds that force genes inside
intestinal cells to behave normally when exposed to carcinogens.
Plus, you’ll also lower your odds of developing colorectal and stomach cancer.
e) Sleep-
You’re probably already aware of the get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night, but
are you aware of what it (sleep) can do for your genes. Sleeping for a
good 6 to 8 hours switches on a number of genes that do everything from preventing
things like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, and mood disorders,
(blue mood, persistent sadness and even depression).
f) Greens Please-
Does heart disease run in your family? Turn off the gene that makes you
susceptible to heart problems by eating more greens. Important fact:
When people who had a genetic predisposition to heart disease adopted
a habit of eating more greens, their risk was as low as if they’d been born
with healthy-heart genes.
g) Fish For Dinner-
Or lunch or even breakfast. A few servings of fatty fish 3 to 5 times a week
activates your body’s sometimes-sleepy blood glucose-controlling
genes. Give credit to the healthy fats in fish for switching on the genes
that help muscle cells soak up and burn blood sugar for fuel, cutting your
risk of developing diabetes by 30%.
Another benefit: Fish will also keep you slim and trim and prevent a host
of diseases and mood disorders, (blue moods and anxiety).
Need a fish recipe to get started? Head to our new store, click
buy recipes at the top of the page-and look for 3 recipes to unlock
your “good” genes.Pt. 2, Download it and receive a recipe for Walnut-Crusted
Salmon with Buttermilk Cheese Sauce!
h) Walk This Way-
Think you need to walk for 30 to 40 mins. to get benefits?
Not so according to some researchers, if you’re already fit,
doctors recommend walking for 2 to 3 mins. for every hour you sit.
Even short, bursts of physical activity can improve the flow of oxygen
and nutrient-rich blood to all of your organs.
Not a fan of walking? You can also sweep (vigorously) for a few mins.
each day or run a load of laundry down to the basement.
i) Smile More-
If longevity doesn’t run in your family, you may want to do something that
doesn’t require you to eat something specific or exercise, what is it?
Smiling for 60 seconds here and there each day, can help you look and feel
10 years younger and increase lifespan by a decade or more.
Taking a few “smiling breaks” each day cuts production of the damaging
stress hormone called cortisol.
Not into smiling? Get the same boosts by singing out loud in your car (or shower)
or watch cute cat and/or dog videos on

* University of Chicago
* Fred Pescatore, M.D. author of The Hamptons Diet
* Journal PLOS One