Don’t have the money for better health? That’s okay, just use
these 3 free apps to improve your health.

The apps:
An app for exercise
An app to reduce stress levels
An app for better sleep

1) Exercise-
Do you wish you could hire your own personal trainer?
If money is an issue, just go online and download the Nike Training
Club app. Once you download the app, choose from hundreds of trainer-
guided videos. You can find videos based on intensity, experience level,
and duration. Boost your motivation by working toward achievement

2) Better Sleep-
Place your phone on your nightstand before bed and this free app will
assess the quality of your sleep using sonar waves-no pricey equipment
or watch needed. As you sleep, the app documents everything from the
moment you fall asleep to how long you sleep. The next morning, the app
gently wakes you while you’re in a light sleep phase and presents you with
a simple readout of your sleep stages and then gives you a “sleep score.”
The app: SleepScore.

3) Lower Stress Levels Naturally-
How? By downloading the app-Healthy Minds.
Want to learn to meditate or want your meditations to go better?
Well, lower stress levels with this app. Founded by one of the leading
neuroscientists in the U.S. the app’s bite-size lessons are grounded
in science yet surprisingly simple to follow, making study-proven
concepts like “breath-counting” and mindfulness, a cinch to master.
So, if you only have a few minutes or an hour, download this
free app to lower stress levels.

* University of Wisconsin-Research Dept.
* Journal-Sleep
* Nike Tech

Please pass this information on to family and friends who don’t
have the finances to improve their health. Share this info on
Facebook, Instagram, (stories), Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat,
Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
