You may know all about the benefits of superfoods like
turmeric, chia seeds and brown rice, but what you may
not know is that when you add other superfoods to them,
you’ll reap unbelievable health benefits.

So, are you ready to transform your health with
superfood combos?
Well, look below and when making up this
week’s grocery list, make sure to include the following…

a) Coffee and Cocoa Powder-
Lower heart attack and high cholesterol levels.
Improve health health with this natural cup of Mocha.
Coffee can help protect against Alzheimer’s and
prevent Type 2 diabetes, and add a tsp. of dark
cocoa to the coffee and it becomes a cup of Mocha-
capable of lowering heart disease, cholesterol and
stroke risks.

b) Pizza and Oregano-
Super Immunity.
Pizza gets a bad rap as a food that isn’t good for your health.
Well, make it with a top quality sauce, some cheese, whole
wheat crust, tomatoes and vegetables (garlic and mushrooms)
and you’ll reduce your risk of getting a cold, lower some types
of cancer and even lower your odds of getting skin cancer,
and when you add oregano as the herb, you’re really
in for some huge health benefits.
And one of the biggest benefits is bullet-proof immunity.
If you dread the Winter months and the colds and flu
that follow, cast those fears aside and start adding more
oregano to soups, stews and pizza.
Oregano has more antioxidants than blueberries, oranges
and kale, and these antioxidants can help keep you hale
and hearty all year long.

c) Pasta and Ground Turkey-
All-day energy.
Eat some fiber-rich pasta and lower your risk of Type 2
diabetes and when you add ground turkey, you’ll get 30%
more muscle building protein and iron, giving you
all-day energy.

d) Swiss Chard-
For unbreakable bones.
Swiss chard is a relatively unknown and underused green,
but if you’re concerned about thinning bones (osteoporosis)
combine it with some lemon juice.
Swiss chard and lemon juice both contain nutrients
that make bones incredibly strong and break-proof.
Use Swiss chard as you would spinach or kale in
a veggie stir-fry along with some lemon juice.

e) Cereal and Chia Seeds-
For faster weight loss.
Eating something (especially cereal) after an 8 hour fast
(sleep) is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism, but
for a faster metabolism, add some chia seeds to that bowl
of millet or oatmeal. When you add chia seeds to a hot or
cold cereal it becomes a gel, and when it travels down your
digestive tract, it slows digestion keeping you full for hours.
Add a Tbs. to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, or to
a smoothie. And if you’re a fan of pudding, make your
smoothie, add 1 Tbs. of chia seeds and refrigerate for
a few hours or overnight.

f) Brown Rice and Turmeric-
Lose Belly Fat.
Want to get rid of that spare tire around your waist?
Cook some brown rice, let it cool, refrigerate it overnight
and the next day, heat it up and toss in 1 tsp. of turmeric.
Cooking and cooling brown rice makes it a resistant starch,
meaning your body won’t absorb all of the calories from the
rice and the turmeric speeds the breakdown of belly fat even

That’s it- 6 food combinations to transform your health
and help you live well into your 80’s and 90’s.

* The Journal- Alternative Health
* UCLA Researchers