Boost health with some simple “non-food” tips.

Yes, we usually write about the foods (available at any grocery store) that can
improve health, but today, we’re doing something a little differently.

Good food is one way to improve health, but there are also some other things
you can do to build strong bones, boost immunity and prevent the breakdown of
joints and the best part-It won’t cost you a small fortune.

The Non-Food Tips for …

a) Stronger Bones-
You’re probably well aware of the importance of getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
It (sleep) can protect your heart and brain, lower your risk of getting diabetes,
and keep your weight in check, and now, there’s evidence that it also strengthens
your bones. Your body repairs and replaces aging bone cells during sleep.
And something even better: The benefits can start within 24 hours of that first
night of “good” sleep.

b) Losing The Belly-
There’s a new term that refers to a pot belly-the term: A menopot.
It’s just an expanding belly after the age of 50. The natural Rx:
Do some deep breathing. To do: Before a meal, take 3 minutes to take
slow, deep belly breaths. Deep breathing reduces the stress-hormone
cortisol by 35%.

c) Boost Immunity-
As we get older, building one’s immune system is vitally important
and if you’re getting some exercise and eating a clean diet, there’s
one more thing you can do. And all that’s required is getting on youtube,
Netflix or going to a comedy club. That’s right-laughing a little each day
is a great way of boosting your immune system. Germ cells become
sluggish when you’re in your forties, and this triples your risk of catching
colds, flu and other illnesses, but researchers say that telling and sharing jokes
with family and friends, watching a comedy special on Netflix or going to a
comedy club can increase immune system activity and energize virus-
destroying cells for up to 12 hours.

d) Improved Heart Health-
Heart disease affects millions of people each year and if this a concern to
you or a loved one, all that’s required of you is taking up a hobby or continuing
the hobby you may have right now.
If your hobby is working on a scrapbook, doing crosswords or reading romantic
and racy novels, continue to do it. Researchers say that just 30 minutes each day
can keep your heart youthful and disease-free. Hobbies activate the
parasympathetic nervous system to lower blood pressure and boost nutrient-rich
blood flow to the heart. And there’s more, daily doses of things that keep you
engaged and make you happy also energize liver cells, and that increases
the production of artery-clearing HDL cholesterol.

e) Protect Joints-and Organs-
How many of you out there have been told about the importance of flossing?
Well, believe it or not, it’s not just for keeping teeth and gums in tip-top
shape, it can also keep your joints and organs (heart,brain,etc.) from
deteriorating as well. When gums are strong and healthy, they provide a
barrier that stops oral bacteria from sneaking into the bloodstream
and traveling to the joints and organs, where they attack and prematurely
age delicate cartilage in your joints and the delicate arteries of your
organs. To really benefit, experts advise gently brushing twice a day
and (flossing once daily) to keep spaces between your teeth
sparkling clean.

That’s it, simple remedies that will add years to your life–and life to
your years.

* Journal-Scientific Reports
* Journal Molecules
* University of Illinois, Research Dept.
* First For Women-Magazine-March 11th 2024 Issue

Please pass this valuable information on to family and friends who
only think good health comes from a strict diet and hours of exercise
each week. Share it over at Facebook, Instagram (stories), Snapchat,
Pinterest, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
