As another Summer (2023) winds down, let’s make sure we take advantage
of the vast array of fruits and vegetables.

And to make it worth your while, here are some of the benefits you
can get from that bushel of green beans or that six to 12 ears of corn.

a) Brain Health-
The tasty blueberry always seems to get the credit for keeping the
brain in tip-top shape, but the veggie equivalent may be the bell pepper.
That’s right- pigments in the peppers called carotenoids are a godsend for
your brain. These special compounds fuel the growth of healthy neurons.
Plus, they boost the production of focus-enhancing neurotransmitters,
reducing your risk of brain fog and memory by up to 65%.
Try and get 1/2 cup of bell peppers (raw or cooked) into your system
at least 4 times a week.

b) Green Rx To Lose Weight-
If you’ve ever wondered what green veggies are good for weight loss, wonder no
more- it’s green beans. Enjoying a cup or two each day puts the brakes on weight
gain and helps you lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly. Green beans are actually legumes
and that means they contain rich stores of plant proteins and minerals that help
steady blood sugar, quash hunger pangs and turn on fat-burning enzymes inside
your liver cells.

c) Boost Moods-
If you go back and read (or reread) some of our posts on tomatoes, then you know
all about their ability to protect skin from the Sun’s harmful rays, (natural sunscreen),
well today, new research says they (tomatoes) can improve moods and happiness
levels. Pigments in tomatoes called lycopene and lutein, prod the brain to release
neurotransmitters that steady moods and boost happiness. Enjoy raw or cooked.
And if you’re tired of tomato slices on a sandwich or tomato sauce, here are 2 recipes
to help you use up that large purchase of fresh tomatoes.
* Simple side dish- Make tomatoes the star of this salad.
To make: Chop some tomatoes, and add to a bowl, add sliced red onions and fresh
dill to some cooked couscous. Stir lightly and enjoy.
* Fruity Salad- To make…
In a large bowl, mix 4 diced tomatoes, 2 cups of cubed watermelon, 1 cup of feta
cheese, 1/4 cup of olive oil and a few Tbs. of Balsamic or red wine vinegar.
Mix well and enjoy.

d) Indigestion & Heartburn-
If you’re one of the millions of Americans going through digestive issues, you’re
not alone and before reaching for doctor-prescribed medicine or drugstore medicine,
try some squash. Yes, yellow or green squash could cut your risk of indigestion, heartburn
or other stomach issues in half. The soluble fiber in squash fuels the growth of digestion-
enhancing probiotic bacteria in the intestines. Plus, it prods your GI tract to release gut-
healing short-chain fatty acids.
Try and eat a cup (or two) of yellow or green squash 3 to 5 times a week.

e) Stop Stressing-
Have you ever heard of the expression-“cool as a cucumber?”
Well, there’s a reason for it, the cool, refreshing fruit, (yes fruit) can help soothe your
rattled nerves. Give credit to the 3 minerals found in the fruit, (potassium, magnesium
and phosphorous) calm rattled nerves and relax tight muscles.
Another plus, if your blood pressure is a little high, add more cucumbers to your daily
menus, doing so can help you trim off 10 or more points.

f) Boost Energy Levels-
Although it doesn’t get much respect (like the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield),
corn does you- the eater some good. It could heighten your energy and stamina
for up to 90 mins. Corn contains a rare compound called inositol hexaphosphate,
which helps muscle cells quickly burn blood glucose for fuel.
Plan on cooking out on the grill in the next few weeks? Grill up some corn,
if your stamina and energy levels are a little low.

That’s it- 6 tips (and benefits) for the end of summer vegetable (and fruit)

* University of Maryland-Research Dept.
* Norwegian Research Dept.
* Brigham Young University-Research Dept.
* Journal of Alternative Medicine

Please make sure you pass this valuable information (article) on to
family and friends who enjoy eating the Summer’s bounty of fruit
and veggies, but aren’t sure how it benefits them.
Now you know, thanks to this article. Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat,
Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram (stories) Tik-Tok, and Twitter, (X).