2 vegetarian recipes from jolly-old England!

If you only think that vegetables should be used as side dishes for meat or
vegetarian meals, you’re wrong and not thinking creatively.

That’s right, a cookbook author from England who uses vegetables for the
main courses, and for desserts.

Vegetables to make desserts?
Yes, the author uses shallots, eggplants and tomatoes ( yes, they’re
actually a fruit) to make 2 tasty desserts.

Still not convinced?
Well, continue reading and learn how he (the author) does it.

Recipe No 1-
Melanzane al Cioccolato!
A simple dessert that’s not only great tasting, but easy to make.

2 Eggplants, peeled
Olive oil, for frying
3 1/2 oz. dark chocolate, broken into pieces
3 1/2 fl. oz. coconut milk
2 1/2 oz. pine nuts
2 1/4 oz. superfine sugar
1 tsp. mixed spice or pumpkin pie spice
4 oz. creme fraiche
4 oz. Mascarpone thick.
Finely grated zest of lemon
2 Tbs. of Tahini

To make:
Cut the eggplant lengthways into slices 1/4″ thick.
Pour oil into a wide frying pan to come 1/4″ up the sides and
warm over medium high heat. When hot, lower eggplant in a single
layer (do this in batches if you need to). Reduce heat until eggplant is
frying lightly until softened and colored a bit. Flip, and once cooked,
remove and place on a plate covered with paper towels.
In a small pan over low heat, melt chocolate into coconut milk, stirring
often, until combined. Remove from the heat. In a dry pan, toast pine nuts
over medium heat, shaking frequently, until nuts are lightly colored.
Mix sugar and spice on a large plate. One slice at a time, dip eggplant in the
spiced sugar to cover all sides.
Stir together creme fraiche, mascarpone and lemon zest. Smear it on 4 plates.
Arrange half an eggplant’s worth of slices on each plate, with more of the
lemony mix between each. Drizzle with some tahini, then the chocolate sauce
and sprinkle on some pine nuts.

Recipe No. 2-
Tomato & Cherry Quinoa with Pistachios!
You might not think that tomatoes, cherries and shallots will work
as a dessert, but hold on and just give it a try.

2 shallots, very thinly sliced
Zest and juice of lemon
5 oz. quinoa
6 Tbs. of extra virgin olive oil
14 oz. of ripe tomatoes, sliced
7 oz. of ripe cherries, pitted.
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
3 oz. of shelled pistachios
Small bunch of mint leaves, shredded

To make:
Mix the shallots with the lemon juice and leave for 5 mins.
Boil the quinoa in a large pan of salted water for 12-15 mins,
until tender, then drain well.
Spread the quinoa over a large serving platter and drizzle with
half of the oil. Arrange the tomatoes and cherries on top,
sprinkle over the lemon zest and season with salt and pepper.
Scatter with the shallots and lemon juice, followed by the pistachios
and mint. Drizzle the remaining olive oil over a salad.

* Vegetables-Easy & Inventive Vegetarian Suppers
* Author Mark Diacono
* Publisher-Quadrille
* First For Women-Aug. 1st 2024 edition

Please make sure to pass this article on to family or friends who love
trying out new vegetarian recipes. Not just any recipes, but vegetarian
dessert recipes.
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