Collagen has been in the news for about a decade now,
what is it, you ask?

It (collagen) accounts for 30% of your body’s protein. It provides
structure, support or strength to your skin, muscles, bones and
connective issue.

And many women and men are talking about collagen and its ability to
to keep one’s skin supple and youthful and if you’re over 30, then you’re
probably producing less of it.

So, if you want to keep skin youthful, elastic and dewy, you can take it
(collagen) in pill form, or get it from food and if you’re not a meat eater
or bone broth enthusiast, then there are fruit and vegetables that’ll supply
you with all of the collagen you need and they are…

1) Citrus-
Do you love oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines and limes?
Good for you, you’re making a great decision. Citrus is full of vitamin C,
which is known for its many benefits and one of those benefits is that
vitamin C plays a significant role in producing the precursor to collagen,
while it also helps to link amino acids during collagen production.

2) Legumes-
Another great (and tasty) way to get more collagen. So, go ahead and enjoy
the many types of legumes. Black beans, white beans, chickpeas, Fava beans,
Kidney beans and lentils.

3) Peppers-
Bell peppers, like citrus, are loaded with vitamin C.
Enjoy them (peppers) in stir-fries, soups, stews, sauces and stuffed.
Stuffed bell peppers. Stuff bell peppers with rice or quinoa, beans
and top with tomato sauce.

4) Leafy Greens-
Another win for greens. Greens have been recommended for a number of
health woes, and today, researchers say eating more vitamin C-rich greens
can also boost your collagen levels and keep your skin looking radiant and
years younger.
The greens that’ll boost your collagen levels, are…
Swiss Chard
Mustard greens
Turnip greens
Romaine Lettuce
Boston Lettuce

* For more on collagen rich foods, go to this site.
* Cleveland Clinic

Please pass this article on to friends and family who are concerned
about their skin and more specifically, the aging of their skin.
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