Are you a fan of celebrity chef Giada DeLaurentiis!
Well, according to recent reports-people are raving so much about
one of her dishes that’s made with sausage, rigatoni and butternut
squash, they’re making it year round.

Butternut squash, the popular gourd that’s affordable and plentiful come
fall and winter time.
It’s (butternut squash) not only tasty, when added to soup, stews and stir-fries
it can help you lower dangerously high blood pressure (Reread our past post
on lowering blood pressure) and thanks to new information, it (butternut
squash) can also help anyone get to sleep faster and stay asleep.

Butternut squash contains 2 nutrients- (zeaxanthin and lutein) that combine
with the plant sugars to prompt the release of relaxing alpha brain waves
and sleep-inducing melatonin. Eat just 1 cup of butternut squash each day
and you’ll be asleep in less than 15 minutes, stay asleep through the night
and wake up feeling 55% more rested.

So, if insomnia is something you or a loved is dealing with, perhaps this tasty
dish from celebrity chef Giada DeLaurentiis s all the “natural medicine” you’ll need
to put those sleepless nights behind you.

The Dish: Rigatoni with Butternut Squash and Spicy Sausage!
1 pound of rigatoni pasta
2 Tbs. of extra-virgin olive oil (plus 3 more Tbs. for finishing the dish)
1 pound of spicy sausage, (casing removed)
1 pound of butternut squash peeled and cut into 3″ pieces*
1 1/2 cups of water
1/4 tsp. of sea or kosher salt
1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese (divided)
2 cups of baby Arugula (chopped)
* Butternut Squash- If peeling and cutting this hard squash is too much for you,
just head to any Supermarket and buy it already peeled and cubed (in the freezer

To make:
Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. When water starts to boil,
add the pasta. Cook for 8 to 10 mins. until it’s al dente. Drain the pasta, making sure
to save 1/2 cup of the water.
In a large skillet, heat 2 Tbs. of the olive oil over medium-high heat. Toss in the sausage
and cook, breaking it up into bite-sized pieces. Add the squash, and stir well. Add the water
and salt. Using a wooden spoon make sure the squash is under the water. Reduce the heat
to medium and simmer until the squash is tender and the liquid is almost dissolved, about
8 to 10 mins. Add the cooked pasta and 3/4 cup of the Parmesan cheese. Stir vigorously
to combine all of the ingredients, adding more water if necessary to make a creamy sauce.
And lastly, add the chopped arugula and cook until it’s just wilted. Sprinkle on the remaining
Parmesan cheese and serve. Enough for 5 or 6 servings.

* The Food Network
* Giadzy (the food blog)
* The Journal of Sleep Medicine
* UCLA Research Dept.