Most people think that metabolism slows down after age 40 or 50, but according to researchers
it’s not true.

It may slow down due to things like inactivity and eating the foods that most American
teens eat: (burgers, fries, pizza, milkshakes and gummy bears).

So, if you think a “fast metabolism” only occurs in those who are 20 and 30 years old,
think again, there are a few simple things you can do to reignite your metabolism.
Things like…

a) Drink Up-
The saying 8 glasses of water a day is vital is for good health may be misleading,
but it ( 8 glasses of water) can certainly do wonders for your metabolism.
Mild dehydration can slow down metabolism as your body tries to preserve its
water stores.
Unable to drink that much water each day? Eat water rich foods along with the water.
Foods like watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, plums, tomatoes, cucumbers, honeydew
melon and apricots.
b) Get Some Caffeine-
Each year there’s something about the benefits or dangers of drinking coffee, and if you’re
a coffee drinker and worried about your metabolism slipping, continue to drink it.
Researchers say that the metabolic rate of caffeinated drinkers is 20% higher that that of
decaf-drinkers. Caffeine stimulates your nervous system, which helps torch more calories.
And for those who may not be fans of coffee, doctors say green tea also offers the
same metabolic benefits.
c) Fatty Fish-
Fish in addition to fruit, vegetables, good fats, (avocados and olive oil), and red wine
(essentially the Mediterranean diet) allow men and women to hold onto more muscle
as they age. And the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn.
Look for good quality types of fish and make sure to stir fry it in a small amount of oil,
bake, steam or broil it. Do not deep fry it in a vat of oil.
d) Sleep Please-
The information about getting a good night’s sleep has been around for a decade or more
and if a slowing metabolism is affecting you, check your sleep habits.
Not getting enough sleep suppresses a thyroid-stimulating hormone, making the gland
that regulates metabolism sluggish. Aim for 6 1/2 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
e) Supplemental Help-
Another plug for vitamin D. Taking more vitamin D during and after menopause not
only helps muscle loss in women after age 50, it also increases calorie burning muscle
by about 30%. And if you live in a state with plenty of sunshine, (Arizona, Calif, Florida
and Hawaii) get outdoors and sit under the sun without sunscreen for 20 to 30 mins.
and get your vitamin D for free.

That’s it- 5 tips for boosting your metabolism after the age of 40 and 50.

* University of Utah-Research Dept.
* Shea Rarback, MS RDN
* Journal of Physiology and Behavior

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