Now that fall and winter are fast approaching, it’s time to prepare yourself
for the upcoming flu and cold season. One of the best ways to avoid getting sick
is to avoid germs.
You know the germs that lurk on public doors, (restrooms, banks, shopping
centers, etc). But what about germs in your own home.
That’s right, sneezing, feeling rundown and sinuses closed up
may be coming from your own home. And to stay hale and hearty this
fall and winter, just do the following…

a) Avoid Stomach Issues-
You can steer clear of gastrointestinal illnesses just by keeping the
refrigerator clean. Wipe down the drawers and shelves with warm soapy water.
Clean the handle and the door a couple of times a day. Researchers say that
the handle and vegetable and meat compartments harbor salmonella, listeria
and other illness-causing bacteria. Another tip: If you notice spills from meat or
vegetables, make sure to tend to them quickly. Use warm water and a mild detergent
to clean up the spills.

b) Stay Cold & Flu-Free-
Believe it or not, you can avoid colds and flu just by keeping the remote clean.
Researchers say that most remotes are dirtier than toilet bowl handles. The simple
solution: Wipe down the remote with a disinfectant once a day or every other day.

c) Avoid Allergies-
Do you get itchy eyes, non-stop coughs and runny noses? Check the clothes
hamper. Mold can grow in a hamper in about 2 or 3 days. It takes mold 2 to 3
days to germinate-roughly the same amount of time most damp, food-stained
clothes sit in hampers, where they can release allergy triggering spores.
The new Rx: Put damp or food-stained clothes directly in the washing machine.
No time to do a whole load of clothes? Hang wet clothes in the basement,
allow them to dry and then toss them in the hamper.

d) Stuffed Sinuses-
Your shower can wreak havoc on your sinuses. Mold, fungi and bacteria thrive
in warm, wet showers. To avoid sinus problems, run your shower daily
on the hot setting. Do this for a minute or two and you’ll send germs packing.
Another tip: Remove the shower head and give it a good scrubbing. Use a
toothbrush (to get into all of the nooks and crannies) and warm soapy water.

e) Outsmart Germs-
Here are some more ways to stay hale and hearty this fall and winter.
Here are three tips to keep germs at bay…
* Shoes Off-
They do this in a lot of Asian countries and we should start doing it here
in the U.S. and that is taking your shoes off when you first get in the house.
Doing this helps you avoid tracking in allergies and pollutants.
* Clean Your Purse-
Clean your purse with a disinfectant wipe once or twice a week.
The average handbag is covered with up to 10,000 bacteria per square inch.
Another tip: Men should also clean their wallets once or twice a week,
considering the time they take it out their back pocket to pay
for something.
* New Clothes-
You may not have thought of it, but if you buy a new blouse or pair of slacks,
you may want to wash them first. According to insiders, some clothes may
be tried on by dozens of people before they’re sold.
* Phones-
Your phone may be handled more than the remote control and that’s why it
should be wiped down once a day (at night) with warm soapy water or
a disinfectant wipe.

* Healthy House Institute
* Microbiology Dept. at the University of South Carolina
* National Sanitation Foundation

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends who
want to stay cold and flu-free this year. Share it over at Facebook,
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