Robert Jones
Save Money and Your Health At The Grocery Store!
The number one complaint many people give as to why they can’t eat a healthier diet, is Price. That’s right, many people feel that the only way to get healthier is to buy your produce, meats and other foods at Whole Foods or go online…
The Japanese Secrets For Living To 100!
Japan has the world’s highest life expectancy- and the people living on the Island of Okinawa are 3 times more likely to make it to the century mark. How do they do it? Strong family ties, simple and low impact exercises and of course diet….
The Best Food Rxs To Beat Spring Allergies!
Ah Spring, flowers starting to bloom, warmer weather, more green (grass) are all welcome after the tough Winter, but something that isn’t welcome: Spring Allergies! If you or a love dread the upcoming change in seasons, because of allergies, and want something natural to combat…
The Healthy Groceries That Prevent Alzheimer’s!
With all of the talk about Co-Vid-19, a lot of us are forgetting about some of the other diseases out there. You know, diseases like Parkinson’s, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. And if Alzheimer’s is something that concerns you and you want some natural remedies to lessen…
Ireland’s Rxs For A Fun and Healthy St. Paddy’s Day!
As the saying goes- Everyone is Irish on March 17th and if you need a recipe for making corned beef or if you want to know how Ireland’s favorite beer can help you look and feel younger, then this is the post for you. First…
The Scandinavian Food Secrets For Better Health!
The news about Scandinavian countries continues to get better, the latest: People from Iceland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are living longer, almost as long as the Japanese. And what can you attribute this longevity to? Diet! And not just any diet, but a heart-healthy diet.That’s…
Health Benefits Of America’s Favorite Food!
What is America’s favorite food? If you said steak, tacos, Mac and Cheese, hotdogs or hamburgers, you’re wrong. So, what is it? It’s Pizza. According to the pollsters, twenty-one percent of the American population said that if they were given the option of having only…
The White Superfoods! The Healing Power Of White Foods!
When you think of superfoods what color comes to mind? If you think green and only green, you’re not alone. Foods that come from the vast color spectrum offer you a host of health benefits. For instance, red foods like pomegranates-keep your gums in tip-top…
Alternative Medicine At The Grocery Store!
Foods That Work Like Medicine! Are you suffering from back pain? Or would you like to lower your cholesterol naturally? Or are you a woman who suffers from painful periods and breast pain? Well, if you’re not on any medications, but are suffering from any…
The Superfoods From Italy For Youth and Vitality!
With this blog, our goal is to help educate you on how food from your local grocery store can help you live a long life free of illnesses and diseases. And from time to time, we’ll bring you info on how people from other countries…