Robert Jones
The “Bad Things” That Are Good For You!
You may be aware that things that are deemed “bad for us” may actually benefit us in some ways, two examples: Coffee and eggs. How many times in the past 2 decades have you been warned they’ll do you great harm,well today, we know that…
Tips To Make Christmas More Meaningful!
Have you lost the meaning of Christmas? If you think the shopping, food and parties have become the symbols of this special holiday, here are some tips to help you get back the meaning of what Christmas is really about. a) Give Back- Want to…
Holiday Scents That Make You Happier!
If the cooking, gift-wrapping and entertaining have you feeling stressed, there are a number of things you can do to lower the stress levels. Things like–Meditate, pray, exercise, (yoga or a long walk) visit a loved one or someone less fortunate or take in a…
The Healing Benefits of A Christmas Tree!
It’s two days before Christmas, and we’re taking a break from food and it’s ability to help you get well and stay well, and writing about something that’s come to signify Christmas. That Something: The Christmas Tree. Long before Christmas trees became symbols that adorn…
Kitchen Hacks For Christmas Dinner!
If the gravy isn’t to your liking or you have to reheat that lasagna and it comes out dry or you want to peel a butternut or acorn squash without all of the effort,you’re in luck, listed below are some kitchen hacks to make your…
The Sweet Christmas Beverage That Boosts Health!
Medical researchers have said that wine, or a beer or even a shot of whisky can bolster your health in a number of ways, but it’s not just alcohol that’ll give you those benefits. Eggnog, the rich and creamy dairy beverage that’s often badmouthed as…
Metabolism-Boosting Spices To Lose Holiday Weight!
If you have a tendency to gain a few pounds each Winter, make sure you include the following spices. The spices boost weight loss, without deprivation and giving you an extra health reward as well. The Spices: * Turmeric- Used by Asian countries for centuries,…
Secrets For a Successful Christmas Charcuterie Board!
Plan on having a Charcuterie board this Christmas or New Year’s Eve? And for those out there who aren’t sure what a Charcuterie board is, just think of a display of cured meats or cheeses. Gaining in popularity these last few years, the boards now…
The Cheesy Italian Dish For Better Winter Health!
Turning back the clocks in November, the shorter days and less sunlight does more than disrupt our sleep, it can also throw off our body clocks. And thrown off body clocks can lead to insomnia, low energy levels and a slower metabolism. Luckily, there are…
A Sweet Treat To Ease Christmas Stress!
If the constant talk about Co-Vid 19 and all of the variants have you stressing out, or if you’re just overwhelmed with the planning of the upcoming Christmas holiday and you need some relief, try some natural remedies before asking a medical professional for some…