Best diet of the new year, 2022!

Doctor Mike Moreno, was looking for ways to take weight off quickly, and while
searching came upon another discovery.

The discovery: A simple (and delicious way) to rid your body of inflammation.

The good doctor explains the typical American diet, air pollution, and stress
causes tons of inflammation inside our bodies, which goes on to cause
a host of health problems like-allergies, IBS, to heart disease and even
multiple sclerosis, it (inflammation) also stresses the thyroid and slows
metabolisms, making it almost impossible to keep weight off, so
his simple, yet effective solution: Load up on foods that are full of
antioxidants, good fats, protein, seafood and top quality oils.

Not sure what foods those are, that’s okay, just look below for
the answers.

a) Trade Sugar for Maple Syrup-
Top quality maple syrup to be exact. Refined sweeteners take a toll
on blood sugar and are missing a lot of top nutrients and antioxidants,
but maple syrup, contains dozens of special antioxidants.
Eat no more than 3 Tbs. a day.

b) Trade Vegetable Oil for Avocado Oil-
Most cooking oils contain inflammatory compounds, and yes that
goes for olive oil especially when heated, but not avocado oil.
It has a high smoke point, making it safe for cooking.
Plus, it’s loaded with anti-inflammatory nutrients proven to kill
hunger and help you get rid of that spare tire around your waist.
Important note: When buying avocado oil, go online to see if it’s
“real avocado oil” and not a few other oils mixed together and
being sold as avocado oil. Also remember, it too, like the syrup,
can run up the calorie count of your daily meal plan, so eat no more
than 2 to 3 Tbs. a day.

c) Trade Pasta for Beans-
Yes, you love biting into al dente pasta, but Dr. Moreno says that beans
digest in a way that lowers blood sugar, helping to rev up metabolism
by 25%.
Important tip:
Try going without pasta for a month and then add it back and see how
you feel and what it does to your weight. You can also use zucchini and
make strips of it to resemble pasta.

Trade Deli Meat for Salmon-
Hold off on the baloney, ham, bacon, pastrami and salami for a month or
two and bring in salmon, sardines and tuna. Chemicals in deli meats
create a lot of inflammatory issues (mainly salt) in your system,
causing weight gain and other problems, (achy joints, headaches, etc).
Look for canned salmon, sardines and tuna (in water) at stores
like Trader Joe’s, Aldi and B.J’s and stock up.

Trade Diet Soda for Green Tea-
You’re probably well aware of what those diet sodas are doing to you,
but new research says that artificial sweeteners feed inflammatory
gut bacteria. And the green tea is a concentrated source of antioxidants
that feed good bacteria and perk up your metabolism.
Make green tea your main beverage and you could lose
25 times more belly fat.

So, are you convinced? Are you willing to try these simple tips (the swaps)
for 30 days? If so, here’s a sample menu to get you started…
a) Breakfast-
Pour some almond milk, cut up kale or spinach, 1 Tbs. of
chia seeds, blueberries, (frozen) and 1 Tbs. of maple syrup
into a blender or juicer and blitz until smooth.
B) Lunch-
Make a salad with greens, (romaine lettuce, spinach) cherry tomatoes,
shredded carrots, cucumber and 1/2 cup of chickpeas or kidney beans.
Mix some olive oil with vinegar to make a vinaigrette dressing.
c) Dinner-
4 to 6 oz. of salmon cooked in avocado oil and a stir-fried veggie medley.
To make the veggie medley.
Get out the skillet, saute 1/2 onion, chopped, 1 garlic clove, minced,
2 cups of assorted veggies, (fresh or frozen) 1 tsp. of Italian seasoning,
salt and pepper. Heat up the oil, add the ingredients, cook for a few minutes
and then add some broth, (to prevent sticking). Stir-fry for a total of 5 mins.
Eat this just like this, or pour it over some quinoa or cauliflower rice.

Need a recipe for broth?
Go to the top of this blog and click buy recipes and look for the
make your own broth recipe and if you want more info on this
incredible new diet- head to Barnes and Noble, or online
to and download “The 17 Day Kick-Start Diet,
by Mike Moreno.

* The 17 Day Kick-Start Diet
* Melissa Erdo, Successful Dieter
* Michael Moreno, M.D. and author
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