Foods That Work Like Medicine!

Are you suffering from back pain? Or would you like to lower
your cholesterol naturally? Or are you a woman who suffers
from painful periods and breast pain?

Well, if you’re not on any medications, but are suffering
from any of these maladies and you want to try something
natural like food, you’ve come to the right place.

Listed below are a list of foods that work as well as over-the-counter
medicines, and something even better: they’re delicious, won’t
cause side effects and and they’ll allow you to hold on
to your money.

a) Lower Cholesterol-
If your doctor is pushing you to take statin drugs, tell him (or her)
to allow you to try something natural first. That something natural:
Having an apple (or two) daily lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol
by 35% in 4 to 5 weeks. Apples are loaded with antioxidants that
prevent free radicals from forming more “bad” cholesterol in your
body. What’s more-they contain pectin-a type of fiber that attaches
to cholesterol in the gut and whisks it out the body before it can be
To make this tip effective- make sure to clean an apple
(the peel especially) and then enjoy.

b) Appetite Suppressants-
If Co-Vid-19 has you eating more than you’re used to and you want a
“natural diet pill” then use the above mentioned tip. Yes, an apple
(or two) 30 to 60 minutes before your biggest meals and you’ll eat way
less than you normally do. Again, it’s the pectin in apples (a special type
of fiber) that causes a feeling of fullness, preventing you from going
overboard come meal time.
Important tip: Make sure they’re green apples. For some reason, people
have had more success with these types of apples.

c) Beating The Blues-
This tip is for those who suffer from mild forms of depression
and not the type that may require medication.
Doctors are just recognizing the fact that eating more fish may
be all that’s required to help you break out of those
blue moods. Why fish? Researchers say that the omega-3 fatty
acids in fish can clear out the inflammation especially near and
around the brain that may cause the dark and blue moods.
What type of fish is recommended?
Fatty types like salmon, trout, herring, mackerel, sardines and tuna.
Also important: make sure to buy top quality fish, to prevent
mercury overload in your system.

d) Beating The Blues Pt. 2-
Also helpful to shut down and get rid of blue moods- are foods like
dark chocolate and berries.
A top quality dark chocolate is loaded with compounds that work
exactly like a prescription drug -but doesn’t have the serious side effects.
And the berries: all types of berries contain similar mood-boosting compounds.
And lastly, berries, salmon a few times and a piece of dark chocolate at night
won’t work if you still continue to eat a diet of fried foods, white carbs, fructose
and corn syrup, trans-fats and drink sugary beverages.
Simply put- a major diet overhaul is needed to make this tip effective.

e) Lower Blood Pressure-
If you think high cholesterol is more life-threatening than high blood
pressure, you’re wrong. In fact, many doctors say a cholesterol reading
that’s a little high will have little effect on your health, but blood pressure
that’s a little high, is cause for concern.
So, to lower it, you may want to try the Asian oil that’s been used
for centuries to stir fry vegetables, what is it? Sesame oil. Doctors
who were willing to let their patients try this natural remedy (before
giving them medication) were shocked that after 60 days, almost all
of the patients had lowered their blood pressure by 30 points.
Sesame seeds (sesamin) helps relax blood vessels, which reduces
blood pressure.
Also helpful: Egg whites. The controversy about yolks being harmful,
may be true in this case, if you want to lower your blood pressure.
Egg whites contain a protein that acts like an artery-relaxing ACE-
inhibitor Rx, lowering blood pressure numbers.
Cook some egg whites with salmon, some green veggies in
a skillet using a Tbs. (or two) of sesame oil.

f) Female Aches and Pain-
Ladies, your periods only seem to get more painful as the years go by
and you want to stop taking aspirin and/or Ibuprofen, what should you
do? Eat ginger, sunflower seeds and wash it down with coconut water.
Using ground (or fresh) ginger to make a tea or having a few pieces of
crystallized ginger each day can bring an end to the pain just as effectively
as aspirin or Ibuprofen. Ginger blocks the body from forming pain-triggering
compounds called prostaglandins and reduces inflammation that causes
the period pain.
Sunflower seeds, almonds or pine nuts eaten a few days before and
during your period, reduces the severity of cramps. All three are rich
in vitamin E, which lowers the body’s output of prostaglandins.
Coconut Water- A woman went to work at a resort where all types of
beverages were sold, she decided since she liked coconut water best,
that would be her go-to beverage, well after 3 months of drinking
2 to 3 cans a day, her painful periods had stopped.
Some say it may be the electrolytes in them, that cause the pain to end.
One last tip: make sure to follow the tip suggested for ending blue and
dark moods, the tip: eliminate the foods that may be causing your
brain to malfunction, as they may also be causing those painful periods.

g) Breast Pain-
Is it hormones, menstrual pain or a poor diet causing the breast tenderness?
Well, if you’re not sure or don’t care, but just want it to end, try cabbage.
That’s right, we posted about the effects of cabbage (in an earlier post)
about helping you live an extra 5 to 10 yrs. longer, well it can also put
an end to breast pain.
Eating some or even placing a cabbage leaf on your breast (and leaving it
there for an hour or two) can bring blessed relief to those suffering from
the most intense types of breast pain.
Important tip: when eating it, make sure to eat it (cabbage) in a salad
or stir-fry it or make stuffed cabbage with beef (or chicken), brown rice
and tomato sauce. Avoid eating it with burger and buns, fries and a milk

h) Dizziness-
If it’s persistent, you may want to pass on this tip and find
out from your doctor if there’s something more than just
dizziness that’s going on.
But for those who want to take a chance on something natural,
try Fruit peels. More specifically: the peels from citrus peels.
Fruit peels offer you a host of health benefits,
(which we’ll go into more detail at a later date)
but if you’re tired of the constant head spinning, clean (thoroughly) the
peel of an orange, lime, clementine, or tangerine and grate a little into
a cup of tea, a bowl of oatmeal or stir-fried vegetables or into
a spoon (and take with water or juice). Citrus contains compounds
that help your body get rid of the inflammation, which improves
circulation and blood flow to the brain, putting an end to the dizziness.
Also helpful: the tip mentioned above: A cup (or two) of ginger tea every
day until the dizziness goes away.

Pain, Pain and More Pain-
We really won’t go into details about the benefits of extra-virgin
olive oil as a way to relieve arthritic pain in your hands, knees,
and back, but what we will do is recommend you go to the post
that was written before this post. It’s called The Superfoods From
Italy For Youth and Vitality.

That’s it- your grocery list for this week: to write down and then
pick up the foods (listed above) that work just like doctor-prescribed
And remember: Do not go off any medications you may be on to try these
tips, this information is only recommended for those who aren’t on any
types of medication.

* The International Journal of Clinical Chemistry
* The Journal- Nature
* American Journal of Therapies