If you haven’t heard, over the past 20 years, the rates of diabetes
has gone up by about 90% and if it’s a concern of yours and you want
some simple strategies to help prevent it, you’re in luck.

Listed below, are some lifestyle changes you can do to restore proper
insulin production and avoid the condition altogether. The simple strategies…

a) Drink This and Not That-
If you’re a coffee lover and don’t want to give it up, you won’t have to,
but you will need to change the type of coffee that you drink.
The new change: Light roasted coffee. Lighter roasts tend to contain
more polyphenols because extended roasting can degrade the antioxidants
found in the bean. Researchers say that 3 to 4 cups per day can reduce
diabetes risk by 25%.
Important tip: If caffeine makes you nervous and jumpy, just drink the decaf
light roasted coffee.

b) Move More-
Another post that suggests you move more and for good reason:
Exercise may be more effective at preventing diabetes than a lot of Rx meds that
are on the market. Pair your exercise with healthy eating and you cut your risk
by a whopping 60%. Exercise turns on the enzymes that keep blood sugar steady.
Not able to get outside and walk for 20 to 30 mins? No problem, just turn on
your laptop, go to youtube.com and type indoor walking video in the search
bar. Choose a video that best suits your abilities.

c) Grab a Bottle-
Of water. Coffee can reduce diabetes risk and new research says that
water can as well. Some researchers also think drinking more water
can be just as effective as exercise and diet in reducing diabetes risk.
Dehydration can cause a host of problems with diabetes being one of them.
Another tip: Drink a glass about an hour before bed and a glass 15 to 30 mins.
after waking up.

d) Take a Supplement-
The supplement: CoQ10. It (CoQ10) regulates blood sugar and cuts insulin
resistance by 170% in 2 months, reducing diabetes risk.
Not a fan of supplements or concerned about the price?
Eat the foods that contain CoQ10, the foods: Beef liver, kidney and heart,
beef, chicken and pork, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines, cauliflower
and broccoli, lentils and soybeans, and sesame seeds and pistachios.
Check with your personal health-care provider before taking any supplement.

e) Use This Detergent-
If you think that eating sweets, drinking soda and not exercising are the only
ways you’ll get diabetes, you’re wrong. Researchers also say that using
certain types of detergent can also raise your risk. How so, you ask?
By taking in higher level of Phthalates. Phthalates are chemicals that disrupt
your hormones and throw off insulin levels, which increase the risk of
having high blood-sugar levels. The way to avoid this: Switch to unscented
laundry detergents.

f) Have Some Fruit-
Fruit is often maligned when it comes to diabetes, but researchers say
that’s it’s perfectly okay to eat and in fact, may even reduce your risk of
getting diabetes by 25%. The best fruits to eat: Low glycemic fruit
like oranges, grapefruit, apples, (especially green), berries, (black, blue
and strawberries) and cherries.

* British Medical Journal
* Michelle Schoffro Cook, Ph.D.
* Max Lugavere, Author of Genius Foods
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