11 Natural Cures For That Hangover! Happy New Year, 2022!

The year 2021 is almost done and a new year (2022) awaits us, and if you’re planning
to have a few adult beverages to ring in the new year, you may end up with a hangover.

And if you do and want some all-natural solutions to getting rid of that hangover,
you’re in luck. Listed below are some hangover cures that people have using
for decades.

The Hangover Cures!

a) Stay Hydrated-
Drinking on an empty stomach or being dehydrated is a great way to get a hangover.
So, have a few glasses of water prior to drinking or have a drink and then a glass
of water. Water slows down the absorption of alcohol.
Another tip: Some people claim that coating their insides with milk helps them
avoid hangovers.
And one last tip: you may not feel great, but having a glass of water and then
going to bed can help you avoid a hangover.

b) A Good Breakfast-
Yes, we know, how can anyone think of food as they’re feeling nauseous, dizzy
and dealing with a head pounding headache, but researchers say keeping your
blood sugar levels steady (after eating something) will help you get over the
hangover quickly.
Two More Tips:
You may have heard “don’t drink on an empty stomach,” so make sure to eat
something before heading to the bar. Carbs are recommended as the best option.
And if you do get a hangover- some swear that a good fatty breakfast of say- waffles
and sausage links or even a burger with fries and milkshake is the best cure for
that hangover.

c) Hair of The Dog-
No, not literally, it just means drink the alcoholic beverage you had last.
Had a gin and tonic and 1:00 am? Drink a gin and tonic in the morning.
Had a few beers at midnight? Drink a beer in the morning.

d) A Nice Hot-
Shower. It may be difficult to get into the shower, but warm water on your skin
can have you feeling like your old-self in no time flat.

e) A Spicy Combo-
Some people swear by a mixture of tangerines, ginger and brown sugar to rid them
of a hangover. Place some water, a few slices of tangerine, a piece of ginger
in a small pot. Let simmer for 5 to 7 mins. add a small amount of brown sugar, stir
and sip slowly.

f) Move-
Your body. It may be difficult, but some swear that moving and getting the
blood circulating is a great way to get rid of the dizziness, nausea and headaches.
Two most popular exercises: a long walk or 20 mins. of light weightlifting.

g) Pears-
More specifically: Prickly Pear Juice. The juice from a this cactus plant is said to relieve
hangovers in less than 30 mins. Look for the juice at Whole Food stores or health-food

h) Drink Soda-
Another popular cure: Sprite. People say that after drinking sprite, they felt a lot better.
In fact, sprite worked better than Pepsi, Coke, Grape Fanta or A & W Root Beer.

i) Massage-
If no one is around to help, massage your own hands (or feet).
To relieve nausea, dizziness and headaches, massage the ball of your hands (or feet),
the spot just under the heel of the hand (the top of the wrists) and the webbing between
the thumb and forefinger. If you’re flexible enough, then you may also want to spend
a few mins. massaging your feet.

j) Sleep-
You may not feel like getting up or unable to get up, and that’s okay, as researchers
say sleeping in might be the only (natural) medicine you need.

k) Avoid Congeners-
What are congeners? Through the process of ethanol, fermentation, sugars are converted
into carbon dioxide and ethanol, also known as alcohol.
Congeners are toxic chemical by-products that are also formed in small amounts during
this process with different alcoholic beverages containing varying amounts.
And to combat the congeners, just choose alcoholic beverages that are low in congeners,
the low congener drinks are vodka, gin and rum. And vodka may be your best choice, as it
contains no congeners.
And the alcoholic beverages that are high in congeners: Cognac, tequila and whiskey.
Bourbon contains the most congeners.
Another tip: Just stick to light-colored alcoholic beverages and avoid the dark-colored

There you have it, 11 things you can do to get over and perhaps avoid the dreaded
Jan.1st Hangover.

Make sure to share this post with family and friends via Facebook, Twitter,
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Thank- You!

* The Whisky Advocate, The Magazine
* Imbibe Magazine
* Journal of Natural Medicine
* Harvard University Health
* Healthline
One last reminder:
If you or a loved has gained (winter) weight and you want some realistic and
sensible solutions to take it off, head to Amazon.com/the kindle store and type
The Thin Girl’s Guide To Preventing Winter Weight Gain!