The diet drug Ozempic, has been in the news of late. Many people have been
taking the shots to slim down quickly.
Well, as with a lot of prescribed medicine, a number of people are speaking out
about the drug. They’re speaking out about the side effects, which are:
Rapid weight loss
Blurred vision
and a few more.

But like a lot of things that are too good to be true, many people will ignore
the side effects and go full steam ahead and take their chances.
But wait, hold on, what if there was a natural diet pill that works like Ozempic,
would you be willing to take it?

Well, there is and it’s called resistant starch.
Resistant starch?
What is that?
It’s cooking foods like pasta, oatmeal, rice and potatoes allowing them to cool,
refrigerating them and then eating the foods the next day.
Think of resistant starch foods like “magic time-release carbs.”
The fiber from these foods “resists” being digested, so some of it’s calories
(between 30% and 50%) aren’t absorbed.

Some other benefits of eating “cooled carbs:”
* Stabilized Blood Sugar-
If you’re a bread lover, all you have to do is freeze it and then take out a
slice or two and toast it. Doing this hack improves the glycemic index
of the food by 30%. The result: Blood sugar sensitivity improves by 40%.
This also means the body can avoid blood sugar spikes and the subsequent
crashes (and cravings) that follow.
The best breads for freezing and toasting: Sourdough and Sprouted.

* A Healthier Gut-
Another subject that has dominated the news for the past 10 years:
Feeding your gut good food and beverage choices for everything from
a slimmer waistline and an end to blue moods. Resistant starches allows
our healthiest gut bug to survive. A fatty chain acid in starches is known
to nourish intestinal microbes, snuffing out inflammation and directing every
aspect of our metabolism.
Two foods that’ll really feed good gut bacteria are bananas and green plantains.
Not a deep yellow banana or dark yellow plantain, but the greener versions.
To make them better for your gut, all you have to do is
simmer them in medium heat (on top of the stove),
allow to cool, refrigerate and then peel them the next day and use
in smoothies or make a type of mashed potato or baked dessert.
Place the green bananas or plantains in a pot, add some broth,
seasonings, herbs and a little butter or olive oil for a type of
mashed potatoes.
To make a resistant-starch dessert:
Add a little water to a pot, toss in the banana or plantain, and then
add some sugar, maple syrup or honey, cinnamon, butter, nutmeg
ground ginger.
And as we mentioned before, to make your own healthier, safer and
cheaper Ozempic, start cooking up batches of rice, potatoes, beans,
oatmeal, millet and pasta and keep it in the refrigerator to be eaten
throughout the week.

That’s it-your guide to making your own Ozempic.
Good Luck and Good Health!

* Tim Steele-Author of The Potato Hack
* Georgina Hughes- Successful Resistant Starch Lover
* Rhonda Witwer, Ivy-League Researcher and creator of
* Dr. Amy Shah- creator of prebiotic herbs
* First For Women- May 5th 2024 Edition (article–Easy Tummy Shrink)

Please pass this pertinent information on to anyone you know
who struggles to lose weight and keep it off.
Let them know on Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, Instagragram,
(stories), Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
