Do you find it harder to create happy holiday memories as you age?
Well, believe it or not, you may need to boost levels of BDNF.
What is that, you ask?

It’s a protein that plays a major role in forming new brain cells and nerve
cells and strengthening existing connections between them.
Increasing BDNF can have powerful effects on memory, mood, and
mental health. Plus, it slashes dementia and Alzheimer’s risk by up to
55%, and it keeps blood vessels healthy to reduce the risk of heart disease
by 40%.

So, if you’re concerned about keeping blood vessels healthy, lowering your risk
of Alzheimer’s and depression, then you need to start eating more of this
Thanksgiving favorite.

The Thanksgiving Favorite:
Cranberry Sauce.
No, not the kind that comes from a can that’s loaded with tons of sugar,
but fresh cranberries, and other berries like cherries, strawberries and

And to help you increase your levels of BDNF, here’s a recipe for a cobbler
containing all of the above-mentioned fruits.

Recipe for Baked Berry-Cobbler!
1 pound of strawberries, sliced (fresh or frozen)
1 pound of blueberries
1 pound of cherries (fresh or frozen) pitted and sliced in half
1/2 pound of fresh cranberries
1/2 cup of sugar
or 1/2 cup of dark honey
1 boxed cake mix, vanilla or yellow
6 Tbs. of melted butter
Vanilla Ice Cream, (optional)
To make-
Heat oven to 350*F Coat a 9″ square baking dish with cooking
spray. In a bowl, combine the fruits and the sugar; leave it alone
for 10 to 15 mins. (to allow the fruits to become coated with sugar
or honey). Transfer to the baking dish and sprinkle the boxed cake
mix on top making sure to cover the fruit. Bake until the top is slightly
browned and fruit juices are bubbling, about 30 to 35 mins. Serve warm
with a scoop of Ice cream on top.

Additional tips:
* Avoid The Extra Calories-
If you’re concerned about the calories from the sugar, the cake mix and
Ice cream, don’t add them and just sprinkle some, stevia and spices
(cinnamon, all-spice, and nutmeg) over the fruit and bake for 10 mins.
Or add the fruit to a bowl of oatmeal, a smoothie or eat the berries (alone)
as a fruit salad.
Including berries a few times a week to your daily menus can increase
levels of BDNF by 30% in about 6 to 7 weeks.

* Other Foods That Also Raise BDNF Levels-
Leafy Greens
Citrus Fruits
Dark Chocolate
Chamomile Tea (a cup 30 mins. before turning in to sleep)
Turmeric- Polyphenols in turmeric protect against the cellular
damage and increase BDNF levels by 70% within 3 months.

And lastly,
A non-food tip to raise your BDNF levels even more.
Laugh more. Watch a favorite comedy (Caddyshack) or episodes
from your favorite sitcom, (I Love Lucy or Friends) or get into
holiday classics like ELF, Home Alone or a Christmas Story.

* Study in Neuropeptides
* Taiwanese Researchers
* Fred Pescatore, M.D.
* Recipe from

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends
who love berries and want to protect their brains from the ravages
of aging.
Share it (the article) over at Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit,
Instagram, (stories), Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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