You may have heard that the number of cases of diabetes is going up considerably.
And it’s happening due to a number of reasons.

What are they?
Eating more processed food.
Eating way too much, when we do sit down to eat.
Snacking (on unhealthy food) 3 or more times a day.
Not getting enough quality sleep.
Dehydration- Not drinking enough water or eating water-filled fruits
and vegetables.
Too much time on our screens. Phones and Laptops

And if this describes your lifestyle, you may want to make some changes
before you hear-“you have diabetes” from your healthcare provider.
So, go over the list and see how many of the things you’re doing,
and try and change them.

And one last tip:
To help you get started on your path towards not becoming a diabetic, here’s
a simple warm salad dish to make a few times a week.

The warm salad:
Sweet Potato salad.
Why sweet potatoes?
It’s the answer to better balanced blood sugar numbers.
Researchers say that eating a few sweet potatoes a week, cuts your risk
of getting Type-2 diabetes by a whopping 75%. The brightly colored spud
contains an ample amount of beta-carotene, (an antioxidant that gives
them their orange color), and it beta-carotene reduces insulin resistance
and keeps insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreas healthy.

One last tip:
If you get tired of sweet potatoes, you can also get beta-carotene from
winter squashes, (acorn and butternut), carrots, and spinach.

Now, onto the recipe…
Warm Sweet Potato Salad!
1 1/2 lbs. of sweet potatoes, cut into 3/4″
4 slices of Bacon
1/4 cup of bottled oil-and-vinegar dressing
1/4 cup of red onion, (finely chopped)
2 Tbs. of fresh, chopped parsley
1 clove of garlic, minced
To make:
In a pot, mix potatoes with enough salted water to cover
by 1″, over high heat, bring to a boil.Reduce heat to medium-low;
cook until tender, 7 to 8 mins. Drain. Spread over a baking sheet; let cool
In a nonstick skillet, cook bacon over medium-high heat, flipping,
until crisp, 4 mins. per side; let cool, then crumble.
In a large bowl, combine dressing, onion, parsley and garlic.
Add the potatoes; stir until evenly coated. Top with bacon pieces.
Calories per serving- 150, Carbs-17g. Prot-3g.

* Advances in Nutrition
* Harvard University, Research Scientists
* A Taste of Home, Magazine

Make sure you share this article (and recipe) with someone who’s
in danger of becoming a diabetic or who needs to balance their blood sugar.
Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram (stories), Reddit, Pinterest,
LinkedIn, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
