Crush cold weather cravings easily and effortlessly.

We always hear about the “freshmen 15” (weight gain during the first year of college),
but we rarely hear (or talk) about the fall and winter weight gain.
You know, the goodies from Halloween, the carbs and sugar from Thanksgiving
and all the sweets and carb-heavy dishes from Christmas and the New Year.
If this describes you and you want something simple and easy to help keep those
extra pounds at bay, just use this dietary tip that the folks from the “Blue Zones.”

The Blue Zones?
Yes, they’re the five places all over the world, where people live the longest and
are the healthiest.
And what is it that they do that allows them to live long and healthy lives?
They eat plenty of beans.
Beans are the main part of their lunches and dinners and unlike most
Americans, people in Ikaria Greece and Sardinia Italy, eat beans the way
Americans eat meat.

To get the benefits and keep weight gain at bay-bulk up your salads,
stews, casseroles and soups with pinto, kidney, black-eyed peas, chickpeas,
green peas and lentils. Eating this way helps you feel full longer, which will
help you in resisting those holiday goodies that are served during the colder months.
Plus, beans and legumes are rich in fiber and protein, which slow digestion, level
out blood sugar and turn off hunger pangs.
And something even more surprising: People who make beans a regular part
of their diet are less likely to be obese that people who rarely eat them.

So, there you have it, a simple, tasty and very inexpensive way to stay slim
and trim this fall and winter season.
And lastly, if you do plan on adding beans to your daily menus and
need some recipes, just head to and type recipes
for bean soups, bean burgers, and bean casseroles in the search bar.
Just watch the videos and become a “bean master.”

* Official site of the No. 1. seller of authentic Latino food
products (like beans)
b), popular website
c) Megan McCrory, Ph.D. Study Author

Please pass this article on to family and friends who love beans.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit,
Tik-Tok, LinkedIn and Twitter.

One last request…
If you plan on cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year and you’re worried
about cooking a turkey and sides, don’t worry, be proactive.
By heading to store and type The Cooking and Cleaning
Rxs Just For Thanksgiving in the search bar. Download it and learn how to cook
non starchy and fluffy mashed potatoes, perfect pie crusts, moist and flavorful
stuffing, non-lumpy and tasty gravy and of course, the Turkey.