Do you suffer energy crashes between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.?
Well, if you’re hoping to get a surge of energy from
a candy bar or an energy drink, put them away and try
the healthy alternatives listed below.

1) Massage-
Yes, a full body massage will do wonders for your body and
mind, but it may also make you so relaxed, you won’t want
to return to work or school. No, this massage just requires
light taps under the collarbone.
The pressure points under the collarbone form the hub for
all the energy meridians in your body and waking them up
with a massage (or light tapping) is like turning on an
energy bulb.
To jumpstart your own energy resurgence, place the
index finger of each hand on either side of your collarbone,
then move your hands toward each other until you reach
the two inside corners of the bone. Drop straight down
to one inch below your collarbone and massage or tap
these points for 30 seconds to reignite your energy flow.
Also helpful: Tap your “Tarzan spot.”
It’s at the center of of your breast bone and it stimulates
the thymus gland. To break out of the afternoon slump,
just tap that spot for 30 to 45 seconds (while breathing

2) Move A Little-
Want to feel energized and wide awake?
Do some type of exercise for a few minutes.
It could be walking up and down the stairs
for 3 minutes, or doing some squats and jumping
jacks for a minute or two or moving your arms
in (wide) circles for a minute or stretching
for 3 to 5 minutes.

Now- onto the food and beverages remedies to boost
afternoon energy levels.

3) Drink Water-
You don’t need another lecture on the importance of
drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, but if you avoid
water you may be severely dehydrated.
Researchers say that when your body is low on water,
it drains it from other parts of your body causing
energy dips.
So, drink a small glass every 60 to 90 minutes,
or have a few glasses of tomato juice or grape juice
throughout the day.
You can also get hydration from a peach,
a bowl of melon, (water or honeydew)
cucumbers or tomatoes.
And lastly, if you’re a fan of coffee or energy drinks,
you may want to really reduce the amount you’re drinking,
or save them for the weekend.

Also look for our past post on water and circulation,
drinking more of it may prevent dangerous blood clots.

4) Tea-
Not black or green tea, but Tulsi tea.
Made from holy basil, a sacred herb in India,
and closely related to the popular herb basil,
this special tea increases energy levels by lowering
your stress levels. Look for this tea at large
supermarkets, online at or
or any health-food store.
It comes in flavors like peppermint or Chamomile and
you can drink a cup when you feel your energy levels
start to dip.

5) Eat An Omelet-
If you’re a fan of eggs, then you’ll welcome this news.
The news: eating an omelet- made only with the yolks,
fresh spinach minced garlic and olive oil are foods
that ensure your immune system doesn’t have to work to
hard, which allows your body to perform at high
energy levels right up until your ready to leave
work or school.

6) The Best Salad-
For all-day energy.
If you’re used to Romaine or Iceberg lettuce but you want
something that’ll provide you with more oomph, (energy)
then you may want to opt for Arugula.
This green is chock full of magnesium and chlorophyll–
magnesium supercharges your red blood cells, while
the chlorophyll helps deliver energizing oxygen to
to your blood. And for more of an energy boost-
add some cheese and olive oil to the salad.
Both ingredients help you absorb more of the nutrients
from the greens.

That’s it- Your grocery list to boost your 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
energy levels.

* Amy Grams, author of The Energy Cure
* Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine