Ladies, the constant attention given to breast cancer is
richly deserved, but what about the other female cancer?

The other cancer?
Yes, Uterine or Endometrial cancer.

Doctors say that a healthy uterus releases hormones
that help strengthen your bones, protect against incontinence,
boost sex drive and lowers your risk of a heart disease by 30%.

And if you’re doing everything you can to prevent breast cancer,
but aren’t sure how to protect yourself against uterine cancer,
just look below and find some simple solutions.

a) Hot Beverages-
Coffee, tea or cancer? Drink a few cups of tea or coffee (reg. or decaf)
each day and lower your risk of uterine cancer by 25%.
Believe it or not, coffee and tea contain way more anti-cancer
compounds (called polyphenols) than many fruits and vegetables.
The compounds in both beverages latch onto uterine cells and protect
them from attack by environmental toxins, (smoke, pollution, air fresheners,
scented candles, etc.)

b) The Italian Rx-
Although tomatoes were discovered by the Chinese (and they
eat more) let’s be honest- think of tomatoes and Italy and the Italian
countryside come to mind. And if you’re a fan and want to lower your risk
of getting uterine cancer, continue to eat them. Compounds in these red
beauties -speeds the healing of damaged uterine cells, reducing the odds
they’ll ever grow into cancerous tumors. These same compounds also
block the growth of any abnormal cells that do form.
Your Rx: Eat more cooked tomatoes on a daily basis and also
add some raw tomatoes to sandwiches and salads. Low-sodium
tomato juice also works.
And lastly, take a look at our previous post: The Italian Soup Rx For Longevity
and read how one group of Italians are living well into their 90’s and beyond,
eating plenty of tomatoes.

c) Avocados-
Cut your risk 20% by eating more avocados.
Yes, avocados are loaded with fat, (good monounsaturated fats)
and these types of fats help deactivate a trouble-making enzyme
that fuels the growth of uterine cancers.
Two other foods that work like avocados: pumpkin and spinach.

d) The Japanese Rx-
Researchers say that Japanese women have far fewer cases of breast
and uterine cancers, and they say it may be due to the amount of soy
they eat.
Eat more soy products and reduce your risk of uterine cancer by
33%. Soy is rich in phytoestrogens, gentle plant compounds that stop
riskier estrogens from latching onto and damaging cells in your uterus.
Look for fresh or frozen edamame at your local grocer
and snack on them like peanuts, (1/2 to 1 cup a day).

e A Glass of Vino-
Another plus for wine, but you must stop at 1 glass. Doing this
lowers your uterine cancer risk by 55%. And any more than
1 glass of wine, (or a shot of whisky or a beer) raises your risk.

Non-Food Rxs…

f) Move More-
Oh no, another suggestion that you move more.
Again, it can be yoga, Tai chi, dancing in your living room,
but make sure you do it for 30 mins. a few times a week and you lower
your risk of uterine cancer by 35%. Movement improves blood flow
to the pelvis, helping to flush out damaging inflammation and
cancer-fueling estrogen.

g) Vitamin D-
Are you able to get out in the Sun each day?
If you are, pat yourself on the back, but if you’re not
able to take advantage of sunning yourself outdoors,
ask your doctor about taking vitamin D, (from a supplement).
Vitamin D makes your immune system stronger and
more aggressive, so they’re able to destroy abnormal uterine
cells long before they can form tumors or spread.

h) Soup’s On-
Save this recipe and bring it out when the weather gets chillier,
or eat it year round to really lower your odds of getting uterine

The Recipe:
Avocado and Tortilla Soup!
This Mexican-style soup contains cancer
thwarting avocados and tomatoes.

1/2 cup onion, minced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbs. olive oil
1 can of diced tomatoes, (15 to 16 oz.)
6 cups of chicken stock
1/4 cup of fresh cilantro*
1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
pinch of cayenne pepper
canola or vegetable oil (for frying)
10 day-old corn tortillas, cut into strips
2 large ripe avocados, pitted, peeled and sliced
2 cups crumbled queso fresco cheese or mild
feta or ricotta salata cheese
2 limes, quartered
* Cilantro- some people find this herb to taste like soap,
if this describes you, head to and type how to
clean cilantro in the subject line. Or just replace the cilantro
with basil or parsley.
To make:
Turn the stove on medium, take out a skillet, add a Tbs. of oil,
saute the onion and garlic, stir for a few minutes. (just until
onions are soft). Transfer to a blender; add tomatoes.
Cover; blend 30 to 45 secs. Pour tomato mixture into large pot; add
stock, cilantro, seasoned salt and cayenne pepper.
Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer 10 mins. Meanwhile, heat up
a few Tbs. of oil in a small pot. When hot, add the tortilla strips a few
at a time and fry until golden, 1 to 2 mins. turning at least once;
drain on a clean towel or paper towels. Equally divide tortilla strips among
six shallow bowls. ladle the soup over; garnish with a few avocado slices,
some cheese and lime juice to taste. Enough for 6 servings.

a) Journal Cancer and Nutrition
b) Swedish Studies
c) Boston University
d) Michael F Holick M.D. and Professor