Some say that cravings go away in the Summer.
You know, the warm weather, which causes appetites to decrease,
the extra sunlight and getting outdoors in the sunlight to exercise
and a desire to get into our favorite bathing suits.

But what if you’re one who’s appetite is still ravenous?
Well, believe it or not, increasing your consumption of vegetables may help.
An increase in vegetables?
Yes, but not your regular way of making vegetables, the vegetables you should
be eating are fermented vegetables.

That’s right- think of pickles and sauerkraut and even other homemade fermented
vegetables. Why fermented?
Researchers say that eating fermented veggies on a regular basis helps you increase
your intake of beneficial bacterial and this type of bacteria works to crowd out the
bad-acting microbes that can drive up cravings for sweets and other carbs.

So, if you’re beset by intense cravings and want to put an end to them,
head to your local grocery store or Farmers’ market and stock up
on corn, carrots, small cucumbers, beets and cabbage.
You’re going to ferment these vegetables and increase the good bacteria
in your gut and put an end to those carb and sweet cravings.
Another plus, start now, and you may be able to get through this
upcoming holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) unscathed.

And lastly, here are 4 recipes to help you get started on your path toward
fermenting and better health, (fewer or no cravings).

Recipe No. 1-
Corn Relish-
Tired of boiled corn and grilled corn on the cob? Ferment it and impress
family and friends.
To make:
Combine 2 cups of fresh corn, 1 small diced onion, half a diced sweet red pepper,
2 small cloves of garlic and 1 Tbs. of sea salt. Pack the ingredients tightly into a clean
1-qt. Mason jar. Add water until veggies are completely submerged. Seal and store
at room temperature for five days. Use this as you would regular relish. Place on top of
a hotdog or add to potato salad.

Recipe No. 2-
Sweet Fermented Carrots-
Wow guests and family with this version of fermented carrots.
To make:
Combine 2 cups of shredded carrots, 2 shredded apples, 4 chopped dates, 1/8 cup
of chopped walnuts, 1/8 tsp. of nutmeg, 1/8 tsp. of cloves, 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon and
1/2 tsp. of sea salt. Pack tightly in a clean 1-qt. Mason jar. Add water until all
ingredients are submerged. Seal and store at room temperature for three days.
Serve with grilled fish, chicken or beef.

Recipe No. 3-
Homemade Pickles-
Stop buying pickles from the grocery store and start making your own.
To make:
Tightly pack 1 lb. of pickling cucumbers in a clean 1-qt. Mason jar with
3/4 Tbs. of sea salt, 1 clove of chopped garlic, 1 Tbs. of whole dill seeds,
1/2 Tbs. of coriander seeds, 1/4 tsp. of peppercorns and 1/4 tsp. of dill weed.
Add water until the cukes are submerged. Seal and store at room temperature
for three days. After opening the jar, leave it in the refrigerator.
Another tip: If cramps are a problem for you or a family member, give him
or her a small cupful of the pickle juice.

Recipe No. 4-
Red Sauerkraut-
Do you have an overabundance of beets and cabbage this Summer?
Don’t let them go to waste, place them in jars and ferment them.
To make:
Shred and combine 1 head of cabbage, 3 beets, half a red onion and half an
apple. Add 1 1/4 Tbs. of natural sea salt, 1 1/2 Tbs. of minced ginger,
2 Tbs. of chopped garlic, 3 Tbs. of lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. of lemon
zest. Pack into a clean 1-qt. Mason jar. Add water until veggies are
fully submerged. Seal and store at room temperature for four days,
open the jar to release CO2, (Carbon Dioxide) and then seal it back up
for another 3 days. Serve it just like you serve sauerkraut, with Brats,
hotogs and sausage.

One last tip: Feel free to ferment other vegetables like green squash,
green beans, cherry tomatoes and broccoli.

* Donna Schwenk, Author of Cultured Food In a Jar
* Amy Myers, M.D.
* Kirsten Shockey, Creator of the Website–
Please share this article (recipes) with family and friends who may be struggling
with cravings or just love fermented vegetables. Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok,
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