Are you trying to get into shape in the hopes of fitting into your bikini or one-piece
swimsuit by July 4th?

What are you doing to get into shape?
Eating a “clean” diet? Running on the treadmill for an hour or more a day?
Or are you drinking more green juices and smoothies?
Well, if smoothies are your go-to Rx for a “bikini-body” you’re in luck.

How, you ask?
Listed below are three “berry-packed” smoothies that are loaded with
incredibly healthful compounds that’ll help speed off those stubborn

And why are berries such a powerhouse when it comes to slimming down?
Here are 3 explanations.

1) Blocks The Fat-
The bright color of berries comes from anthocyanins, plant compounds
that help tamp down the fat-forming inflammation and oxidative stress.

2) Better Blood Sugar-
Eat berries on a regular basis and you’ll improve the cells sensitivity to the
blood sugar-regulating hormone insulin by 60%. This will ward off the blood-sugar
fluctuations that lead to chronic tiredness, mood swings, cravings and weight gain.

3) A Slimmer Stomach-
Even a small amount of belly fat will make the sane and sensible have sleepless nights
and if you’re bothered by your stomach, start to eat more berries. The rich stores of
anthocyanins in berries ramp up the production of lipase, a pancreatic enzyme
that helps the body break down stomach fat for fuel. Incorporating more berries
into your daily menus will help you trim up to 3 inches off your waist in less than
1 month.

And now that you know a little about berries and their importance to your slimming
down, here are the 3 smoothies that’ll help you in your quest for a slim and trim belly.

Smoothie No. 1-
Blueberry Banana Blast-
2 cups of oat milk (reg. or vanilla)
2 cups of blueberries (frozen or fresh)
1 Banana
3/4 cup of Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla)
1 Tbs. of Honey *
To make:
In a blender, puree all of the ingredients until smooth and creamy.
Calories per smoothie-330, Pro-9g. Carbs-58g.
Enough for 2 servings.
* Honey- If you use vanilla yogurt and vanilla oat milk, you may want to
skip the honey, and the calories in it.

Smoothie No. 2-
Strawberry Citrus Bliss-
2 cups of strawberries (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice
1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt
1/4 cup of Orange juice
To make:
In a blender, puree all ingredients until smooth and creamy.
For an extra cold smoothie, add 2 or 3 Ice cubes.
Calories per serving-170, Carbs-26g. Prot-5g.

Smoothie No. 3-
Raspberry Lemon Lush-
2 cups of raspberries (frozen or fresh)
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup of coconut water
1/4 cup of Maple syrup
1/2 cup of Vanilla Greek yogurt
Juice of 1 lemon
To make:
Place all of the ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth and creamy.
Enough for 2 servings.
Calories per serving- 290, Pro-7g. Carbs-59g.

* Shape Magazine, May 2022 edition
* The Smoothie Recipe Book

Please share these recipes with smoothie and juicing lovers.
Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tik-Tok,
Pinterest, Reddit and Twitter.