If you’ve been diagnosed with high stress levels and your doctor
wants you take Prozac or Zoloft, or Paxil or Lexapro, ask him (or her)
if you can lower it holistically, as in changing your diet.

And if her (or his) response is-“sure go for it,” then you may want to
add the 6 foods (listed below) to your next grocery list.

The following foods will quiet the brain’s tension center, boost
the feel-good hormones and increase your levels of zen.

The Foods:
a) Tuna-
Or any fatty fish, will help you calm down when you’re rattled.
Fatty fish has a blend of omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids that
boost the production of calming alpha brain waves, in as little as 60
Look for good quality (and inexpensive) types of wild-caught fish,
like salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, trout, cod and flounder.
Another tip: one doctor who treated patients for all types of mood
disorders, (especially depression) suggested they give up
all junk food, (pastries, burgers with white bread and sweet drinks)
and eat a diet of lean meat, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and
fish 2 to 3 times a week.

b) Hummus-
Gaining popularity in the U.S. this delicious snack food can
soothe tired and overactive adrenal glands. Hummus contains
compounds that tamp down the production of stress hormones.
Buy hummus already made, or buy chickpeas and tahini
at the supermarket and make your own, (hummus).
Find recipes online at youtube.com

c) Edamame-
These green soybeans have been a mainstay in Japan
for decades and it may explain why they seem so calm
and upbeat, and if chronic stress is a problem for you or a
loved one, start eating more edamame.
Edamame contains L-tyrosine, an amino acid that rev’s
the brain’s output of the calming hormone dopamine.
Look for fresh edamame at supermarkets or shelled edamame
in the frozen food section.
To make: Just steam them and sprinkle with sea salt or add them
to stir-fries.

d) Garlic-
Garlic is often recommended to keep the immune system
n optimal shape, (to prevent colds and flu) but it (garlic)
can also work on your brain to prevent tension levels from
spiraling out-of-control.
Believe it or not, eating it and taking in the scent of it
(cooking it) calms the brain region that controls tension.
Add some raw garlic to salads and cook it (on low heat)
and add to pasta, rice, meat, fish or vegetable dishes.

e) Carrots-
Stress not only happens in your mind, your body can
also be stressed, resulting in tense and sore body parts.
To relieve stress in your body, eat more carrots.
Carrots are rich in manganese, copper, and potassium-
minerals that activate enzymes involved in keeping your
muscles loose and tension-free.
Important tip: If you’re not a fan of carrots, eat beets, turnips,
sweet potatoes or potatoes, they too, have the same minerals.

f) Citrus-
Plagued with anxiety? Start adding more citrus to your diet
and watch anxiety drop by 35% in less than 4 weeks.
Citrus is high in vitamin C and malic acid-nutrients that work
together to make the central nervous system far less reactive
during times of high stress.

That’s it- 6 food alternatives to the doctor-prescribed medications.
* Austrian Researchers
* UCLA Research Dept.
* American University, Washington D.C.
* Smell and Taste Research Foundation, Chicago Illinois