Asia has been way ahead of other nations when it
comes to using food as alternative medicine to help
you sleep, prevent colds, lower heart disease risks,
and blood pressure, and if you too, want to emulate
your Asian brothers and sisters and do the same,
continue reading.

a) Prevent Viruses-
We’re still not out of the woods in regards to the
Co-Vid-19, (CoronaVirus ) and if you would like to
lower your odds of getting it and making your immune
system fortress impenetrable, do like the people of
South Korea and start eating Kimchi.
What is it?
It’s a spicy, pickled cabbage condiment, known for it’s
immunity-boosting powers. Or you can think of it
American sauerkraut, but only spicier. Eat a few tablespoons
a day and your white blood cells will become so vigorous,
they’ll be able to fight off any invaders (also known as
viruses) and if you do become sick, eat a little kimchi
each day and you’ll recover 40% faster.
Look for kimchi online at, or go to
an Asian store or look for it in the International aisle of
your local supermarket. And for those who want to try
making it, go to and type how to make
Kimchi in the search bar.

b) Sleep Aids-
Asians didn’t run to their healers or local doctors for a sleeping
pill if they were plagued with insomnia, instead, they used the
all-natural and tasty fruit called Red Dates, also known as Jujubes.
They’re a fruit, and they taste like a cross between apples and dates.
Rich in natural sedatives called saponins, that’ll help you get to sleep
(faster) and stay asleep in less than a week.
Look for jujubes in Asian markets and online at
Also important: Even though they are quite tasty, they’re
also high in calories, so only eat 2 an hour before turning in.

c) High Blood Pressure-
Blood pressure that is too high causes way more problems than
cholesterol that is too high and if you or a family member is
experiencing it (H.B.P.) and want to lower it with something
natural, do like the Asians, and start eating more sesame oil.
Sesame oil is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E,
a trio of nutrients that prevents plaque buildup inside the walls
of arteries, lowering your blood pressure in less than 4 weeks.
Look for sesame oil at any large supermarket and use it to stir-fr
meat and vegetable dishes.

d) Diabetes-
Diabetes is considered one of top medical problems in the U.S.
but that’s no longer the case.
You see, as more and more American fast food companies
move into China, India and Japan, they too, are seeing many of
their residents contract diabetes, just like Americans.
And if you’re not yet affected or even pre-diabetic, take up the habit
many older Asians still practice and start eating more mushrooms.
Maitakes, shiitakes, enokis and other types of mushrooms are
loaded with unique compounds called polysaccharides,
and these compounds regulate your insulin production and help
muscles burn carbs for fuel, lowering your blood sugar by 25% in
less than a month.
No need to buy the expensive mushrooms, white button mushrooms
are just as effective, eat 1/2 cup a day, 3 to 5 times per week.
And one last tip: the mushrooms will not work, if you continue to
indulge in the standard American diet, (SAD), (you know- white foods,
sugar, flour, processed foods, sweet foods and fast food) so make
sure you clean up the rest of your diet as well.

e) Brain Health-
Another big concern in the U.S. but not in some Asian countries,
and the reason they don’t worry about memory loss, dementia
or even Alzheimer’s, is because of the spice known as Turmeric.
We have a few posts on this on this incredible spice, (please go back
and read them) and if you want to keep your brain clear of plaque
and debris, use turmeric. In addition to clearing arteries in and around
your brain, it also keeps the arteries of your heart free of plaque.
Add turmeric to stews, soups, egg and meat dishes or use it to
make a warm tea. To make: boil some water, pour the water into
a mug, add a 1/2 tsp. of ground turmeric and ginger to it, and sip slowly.

That’s it- 5 foods for this week’s grocery list, that’ll keep you
hale and hearty well into your 80’s and 90’s, just like
your Asian brothers and sisters.
* Laurie Steelsmith, N.D. author of Natural Choices For
Women’s Health
* Japanese Researchers
* Ray Sahelian, M.D.