You want to be healthier, but you don’t have the time to go to
the gym or prepare healthy, well-balanced meals.

So, what do you do?
Try the kitchen shortcuts and simple exercise tips listed below…

a) Ice-Cube Trays-
You buy a bunch of vegetables, but when you’re ready to eat
them a week or two later, they’re spoiled.
To prevent this in the future, clean and then juice your favorite
greens and fruits and then pour the contents into ice-cube trays.
And when you’re ready to cook some spaghetti sauce (or stew)
take a spinach and kale ice cube out the freezer and place it in
the sauce.
Or say, you want a smoothie, but don’t have the time to clean and cut up
fruits and veggies. All you have to do is take out some fruit and veggie
ice cubes, put them in a blender with some coconut water or almond
milk and blend until smooth.
Prepare some green and fruit juices (in a blender or juicer)
when you have some free time, freeze them and when you’re in a rush,
take them out of the freezer and add them to a stew, sauce or
toss them into a blender (or juicer) and make a smoothie.
Using this method to prepare fruits and vegetables, ensures you’ll
always have something healthy to eat (or drink).

b) Muffin Trays-
No, not to make muffins made from health-damaging white flour
and sugar, but using the muffin trays to make protein meals.
More specifically- Eggs.
(go back and read our post about the benefits of eggs,
the post- The Health Benefits of Leftover Easter Eggs).
To do: Take a muffin tray and place an egg in each space.
Pop the tray in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 mins, then place
the eggs in a bowl of ice water for 10 mins., peel and you have
boiled eggs. Bring the eggs to work or school and eat as a snack
or add them to green salads.
Another tip for using that handy muffin tray:
Another egg dish.
Crack an egg into each (lightly buttered) space, add some cheese,
chopped spinach (or kale) and spices and herbs, stir and then bake
at 375*F. for 15 to 20 minutes or until eggs set. Eat one or two
and place the rest in the refrigerator and microwave at a later date.

c) A Slow Cooker-
You’re probably already familiar with the slow cooker,
but are you aware of its ability to help you get healthier?
You can prepare a meal in five minutes, turn in on low
and head to work or school for 3, 5 or even 8 hours and
when you get home, a healthy meal awaits.
Need a recipe?
Here’s one for Vegetarian chili!
To make:
In a large bowl, combine 1 can each of black, cannellini,
and kidney beans, (rinsed and drained), 1 cup of fresh salsa,
1 can of corn, (rinsed and drained) 1 can of diced tomatoes,
(drained) 1 large bell pepper, diced (red or green) 1 small
onion, (diced), 2 cloves of garlic, (finely chopped), 1 can
of chili peppers, (drained) 1 Tbs. taco seasonings and
some of your favorite seasonings and spices, (parsley,
basil, rosemary, turmeric and ginger).
Stir well and throw into the slow cooker, turn it on low
and leave it alone for 4 hours.
And if you’re a fan of meat, add some chicken, beef or pork.

d) Exercise-
If you don’t have time to prepare healthy meals, then it’s
safe to say, you probably don’t have time to join a gym.
That’s okay, researchers say that cleaning your home
(washing walls, scrubbing floors or going back and forth to
the laundry room is exercise).
And if all of the chores are done after a day or two, walk.
Take a quick 15 to 20 minute around your neighborhood
2 to 4 days a week.
And if you’re not able to get outside (an unsafe neighborhood),
then you can stretch.
Yes, according to a recent study, stretching for 10 minutes each
day, improves your cardiovascular (heart) and respiratory health.
And one last benefit: It (stretching) helps your body balance
your blood sugar. So, if you have a slice of cake or
some jelly beans (this Easter) just remember to stretch afterwards,
to prevent weight gain and diabetes.
Need help finding a stretching routine?
Go online to and type beginner’s stretching program
in the search bar.

* Lyssie Lakatos, R.D.N.
* Erin Palinski-Wade, R.D. Nutrition Expert
* Jasinda Wilder, Author and Weight Loss Expert