Are you a fan of a big Sunday breakfast?
Do you usually have something “Carby” like pancakes
or waffles?

Well, pancakes and waffles may make you happy for 30 to
60 minutes, but if you want “all-day happiness”
then you may want to order the eggs.

Why eggs?
After a long night without food, levels of the amino acids
that make your mood-elevating hormones- have hit their
daily low, which causes the grumpiness and blue moods.
And the fix: Eating a breakfast that contain foods
rich in these amino acids, like eggs, ham, salmon,
cheese and plain yogurt. (protein-rich foods)
These foods jump-start your brain’s production of those specific
hormones enough to lower your risk of the A.M. blues by 70%.

But that’s not all- in addition to eggs, you’ll also need fruits and vegetables.
Why fruits and vegetables?
Because they’re rich in anthyocyanins, nutrients that switch on enzymes
essential for making more of the “happiness-hormones”

So, what fruits and vegetables do you need to boost moods?
Eggplant, strawberries, grapes, sweet cherries and greens.
Greens like spinach, collards, kale and spring lettuce is
like “edible Prozac” upping your serotonin levels 25% in a matter
of weeks.

And now, for those who want to boost their happiness hormones,
here’s a recipe for that’ll help you accomplish your goal.

The Recipe:
Egg and Spinach Casserole!
4 eggs
3 Tbs. milk
2Tbs. grated Parmesan cheese, or 2 slices of Provolone
cheese, divided
1 1/2 cup of baby spinach (cleaned and shredded)
4 slices of ham
To make:
Preheat the oven to 350*F, Whisk eggs, milk, 1 Tbs. cheese
or 1 slice of cheese, and 1/8 tsp. black pepper in a bowl,
stir well. Add the spinach; stir gently to mix. Line 4
greased 10-oz. ramekins, or custard cups with ham,
pressing against bottoms and sides (cut slits in the ham,
to make it lie fat). Spoon egg mixture over ham, divide
evenly. Place the ramekins on a baking sheet; place in
the center of the oven and bake until custard is just
set (about 15 to 20 minutes) Remove from oven; let
the baking sheet sit on the counter and pour (or place)
the remaining cheese over the eggs.

That’s it- your grocery list for this week, an egg and ham
breakfast to boost moods and happiness.

* Finnish Scientists
* Andrea Dreiseitel, Ph. D.
* Journal, Pharmacological Research