We’re constantly receiving messages about heart disease,
diabetes, strokes and Alzheimer’s, but let’s not forget about

Breast cancer and prostate cancer seem to be the cancers that
get the most attention, but this type of cancer is now the third
most diagnosed cancer in the U.S.
What cancer is it?
Colon Cancer.

And luckily, it’s also one of the easiest to prevent.
You can keep colon cancer at bay by getting screened
at 50 (or younger if other family members have gotten it)
and you can also do some of the non-medicinal things
listed below.

To keep your colon in tip-top shape, do the following…

a) Move More-
Whether it’s avoiding heart disease or diabetes, spending
some time each day exercising is a great way to keep all of your
organs working at optimal levels and the colon is no exception.
Working out for 20 to 30 minutes each day a few times a week
lowers colon cancer risk by 35%.
Plus, it (exercise) helps lowers blood sugar levels.
High blood sugar levels speeds the growth of abnormal
cells in thecolon (large intestine); and keeping it (B.S.) low
and steady with some type of exercise greatly reduces this
key source of fuel for cancer cells.
No need to run miles or join a gym, a leisurely 30 minute
walk (a few times a week) or dancing to the oldies in
the comfort of your living room is sufficient.

Now on to the grocery store solutions to help prevent
colon cancer.

b) Garlic-
This pungent bulb is proving itself to be preventive medicine
for a number of illnesses and diseases and it’ll even reduce
your risk of developing colon cancer by 25%.
Compounds in garlic help speed the repair of damaged and
aged intestinal cells, preventing them from turning cancerous.
Not a fan of garlic? Onions, chives and scallions also contain
the same health-enhancing compounds. Or look into taking
a garlic supplement. Just make sure to talk to your doctor
before taking any type of supplement.

c) Ginger-
Ginger is the spice that can shut down intestinal irritation,
the number-one trigger of precancerous growths in the
colon. Drink ginger tea, (use fresh or powdered ginger)
boil some water, throw in some ginger, let it steep for
a few minutes and then sip slowly. Also use ginger
in smoothies, soups and stir-fries.

d) Brown Rice-
If you eat brown rice a few times a week, continue to do so.
Brown rice is loaded with healthy compounds that bind to
tissue-damaging bile acid and fatty acids in your digestive
tract. This, in turn, cuts their ability to unleash the formation
of precancerous polyps.

e) Mushrooms-
Mushrooms contain something called- “beta-glucans,” which
are plant compounds that energize your white blood cells,
enhancing their ability to find and destroy colon cancer cells
faster. Just a few servings each week can reduce your risk
of getting colon cancer by 25%.
More good news: Ladies reduce your risk of getting breast cancer
by 60% by adding more mushrooms to your daily menus.

f) Pomegranate-
Eat the seeds or have a small glass of pomegranate juice each
day and lower your colon cancer risk by 30% The compounds
in the red fruit strengthens and protects the digestive tract
lining, so toxins can’t get into the cells.

g) Berries-
Eat a cup daily (black, blue, rasp, and straw) and reduce your
odds of getting colon cancer by a whopping 55%.
The special compounds in berries shut down blood flow
to abnormal cells.

h) A Recipe To Prevent Colon Cancer-
When writing up this week’s grocery list, make
sure to add brown rice and mushrooms, both
are colon cancer prevention superstars.

The Recipe: Brown Rice and Portobello Mushrooms!
1 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
1 portobello mushroom cap, diced
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. thyme leaves (fresh or dried)
1 cup of brown rice, cooked the day before
and placed in the refrigerator.*
The directions:
Heat up the rice in a small pot or in the microwave.
Place a skillet on the stove and turn the heat to medium-
add the oil, wait for a minute, now the mushroom, garlic powder
and salt; cook and stir until mushroom is tender
(watch it to prevent burning). Add the thyme; cook and stir
for 30 secs.
Remove from the heat and serve over rice. Enough for 1 serving.
* The purpose of cooking the rice the day before, makes it a resistant
starch, which simply means, you’re body will be resistant to absorbing
all of the starch from the rice.

* David Katz, Physician and Author
* Len Veerman, Ph.D.
* University of Michigan, Research Dept.