Recycling has been in the news for quite some time and if you’re one who’s
into it (recycling), then you may want to hold onto your coffee grounds.

If you make coffee and have been throwing out the grounds, it’s time
to stop and hold onto them. Once you have a cup or two, you can
use them in a number of ways, like…

a) No More Itchy Pets-
Simply put, if your beloved dog is scratching himself (or herself) raw because of
flea bites, resist the urge to buy a chemically-laden product at Petco and
instead, use coffee grounds. The combination of water and coffee’s strong aroma
will kill and deter the tiny pests. To do this procedure: While giving your dog
a bath, shampoo and rinse as usual, then rub coffee grounds into his (or her)
wet fur, massaging the grounds down into his skin and then rinsing with water.
Repeat weekly to keep fleas away.
One more tip:
You may want to buy some Brewer’s yeast online @
Naturalists say that 1/2 tsp. or 1 tsp. added to your dog’s food can help
keep fleas at bay.

b) Furniture Restorer-
Do you plan on throwing out a desk, table or bed posts because of the
scratches? If the scratch is small, just dip a cotton swab into damp
coffee grounds and lightly dab the unsightly mark. The coffee’s tannins
will act like a natural stain, instantly concealing the mark.

c) Something For Old Clothes-
If the little black dress or your black denim jeans are looking old
and faded, revive them with coffee grounds. To do: Steep 3/4
cup of coffee grounds in 1 gallon of water for 10 minutes; strain.
Pour the water into the washer with clothing and run on gentle cycle,
(skip the soap). Coffee’s tannins will infuse the with compounds to
deepen color.
Important tip:
To nix residue in the washer, run an empty cycle with 1 cup of vinegar.

d) Save The Shoes-
Oh no, you got your favorite sneakers wet thanks to last night’s rainstorm
and now, they smell. To dry and deodorize them by morning, cut the feet
off an old pair of panty hose and fill with coffee grounds. Tie off the ends
and add a sachet (small bag) to each shoe. Coffee grounds will trap
the moisture and bacteria causing the musty odors.

e) Buy Inexpensive Meat-
You want that pricey steak because it’s not tough, but you can’t afford it.
That’s okay, go ahead and buy a cheaper cut of steak and tenderize it.
Flank steaks and London broils are great on the grill, but they can be tough
to chew after cooking them, so get out those coffee grounds and
make a rub. To make: Dry the meat off and coat it with olive oil.
After that, mix 1/3 cup of coffee grounds and 1/4 cup of black pepper
together. Rub this combo all over the red meat and then place it in
the refrigerator. Leave in the fridge for 30 mins. or a few hours,
then grill or place in the oven and cook as you normally would.
Again, it’s the tannins in coffee that break down the meat’s tough
muscle fiber so each bite is tender and melts in your mouth.

f) Youthful Skin-
Do you see aging skin when you look in the mirror? Well, if the wrinkles
aren’t too deep, you can turn back the clock with coffee grounds.
To do: Combine 1/4 cup of coffee grounds and 1 egg white in a bowl.
Mix well, and place all over your face. Leave the mask on for 10 to 15
minutes, then rinse off with warm weather. The used coffee gently exfoliates,
and the egg white tightens the skins.

g) Onion and Garlicky Hands-
Do you cut up a lot of onions, garlic or fish? If your hands smell after this,
use some leftover coffee grounds to get rid of the odors. To make your hands
smell fresh, grab some coffee grounds and rub some on the inside and backs of
your hands and then wash them (your hands) with your regular soap. The coffee
will absorb the pungent odors, plus remove dead skin cells to soften your hands.

h) Oil Spills-
If you own an older car and it leaks oil, don’t hire some professional cleaners
to clean up the spill, do it yourself using old coffee grounds. Cover the spill
with coffee grounds, leave it alone for 10 to 15 minutes. The coffee grounds
will soak up the oil so all you have to do is sweep away (and pick up) the mess.
Another tip
This trick will also work on oil spills in your kitchen or bathroom,
mainly olive or coconut oil. Just like an outdoor spill, cover the spill
with coffee grounds for 5 to 10 mins. and then wipe up the spill
with paper towels.

i) Help Plants Grow-
Save your money and use coffee grounds to help your plants grow.
To do: Sprinkle a thin layer of coffee grounds over the soil. When it rains,
nitrogen (a nutrient that’s essential to healthy plant growth) will seep out
of the grounds and into the dirt. Plus, coffee’s pH level will help optimize
the soil’s acidity to create a healthier environment for developing flowers.

j) Create Pretty Paper-
In particular, parchment paper. If you love using antique-looking parchment
paper on your craft projects, but don’t like paying for it, hold onto your money
and make it yourself. To make: Steep 1/4 cup of used grounds in 2 cups of hot
water for 5 mins, then pour into a jelly roll pan. Crumble up a thick piece of paper
and submerge it into the liquid, then take the paper out, flatten it on a desk top,
counter top or table and let it dry out overnight. Coffee’s color compounds settle
settle into the paper’s creases for a parchment-paper look.

There you have it, 10 smart uses for those leftover coffee grounds.

* Recycle

Please pass this helpful information on to family and friends who
love to recycle. You can share it on Facebook, Instagram (stories),
Reddit, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
