As every new year approaches, there’s going to be a buzz about
some new “superfood” or healing beverage and this year is
no exception.

It’s not kale or Acai berries or golden milk, no-the hot, new
food (beverage) for 2024 will be Cinnamon tea.

Yes, cinnamon tea. In the past, there have been countless articles
about the benefits of green and black tea, but this upcoming year
will see cinnamon tea emerge as the tea that can help you prevent
and/or alleviate a number of health issues.

The 8 health issues that cinnamon tea can help with are…
1) Balanced Blood Sugar-
If you’re concerned about your blood sugar levels fluctuating, drink
some cinnamon tea.
Important tip:
It may be tempting to drink your cinnamon tea with a sweet treat, (danish,
brownie or blueberry muffin), but don’t, the sugar from the pastry, donut, etc.
will only make things worse.

2) Healthy, Young Looking Skin-
Drink more water, get facials, eat more fatty fish, are great ways to maintain
youthful looking skin, and today’s advice: drink more cinnamon tea.
Important tip: As with the prior tip, avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners to
your tea. Sugar (especially a lot of sugar) is worse than too much sun when it
comes to your skin.

3) PMS Relief-
If painful periods, cramps and bloating are something you experience
each month, try drinking a few cups of cinnamon tea each day.

4) Brain Health-
A healthy brain is just as important as a healthy heart as you age,
and if dementia, brain fog, and even Alzheimer’s are something you
worry about, drink more cinnamon tea. The tea and cinnamon
combination, work to clear out sludge that accumulates near the
tiny and delicate blood vessels in and around the brain.

5) Weight Loss-
If you gained a few pounds during the Thanksgiving and Christmas
holidays, cut down (or eliminate) the processed and fattening foods
and drink a few cups of cinnamon tea each day.

6) Immunity Booster-
This is especially important during the cold and dreary winter months,
a strong immune system. Keep your immune system in tip-top
shape with more cinnamon tea.

7) Inflammation-
Achy knees, a sore back or arthritis in the hands is something millions
of Americans struggle with each day, to get some relief, eliminate
or cut way down on sugary foods and drink some cinnamon tea
each day.

8) Improved Heart Health-
Like brain function, keeping the arteries and veins around the heart
clear and flexible is vitally important. So, make sure to get in a few
cups of cinnamon tea each day to keep your heart running smoothly
and efficiently.

That’s it, and if you want more details of how cinnamon tea can
alleviate or help you prevent the above-mentioned health issues,
just head on over to the, Diet, Beauty
and once there, just click on the health icon or type the 8 Benefits
of Cinnamon tea in the search bar.
Good Luck!

* Chad Birt- Author of the Article

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