A cup of hot tea during the cold and flu season.

It’s that time of year again.
What time?
Cold & flu season.

If you have any of the cold causing symptoms like sneezing, a runny or
stuffy nose, sore throat, non-stop coughing, watery eyes or post nasal drip
and you want something other than doctor-prescribed or drugstore medicine,
then you must try tea.

Why tea?
Drinking tea or other warm beverages can help alleviate cold symptoms,
keep you hydrated, relieve congestion and soothe a sore throat.
And if you drink tea, continue doing so and if you want the teas that
have been named as the “best teas” to treat cold and flu symptoms, here’s
a list.

1) Peppermint
2) Echinacea
3) Lemon
4) Ginger
5) Green
6) Elderberry

The teas (and this information) was taken from the website-Health.com
and if you want the full list of all ten teas, go there and read the article and
the specific benefits you’ll get from each tea.

Good Luck to Staying Cold-Free This Winter Season.

* Article by Isabel Vasquez-RD LDN
* Article reviewed by Jamie Johnson-RDN
* Health.com, popular website on alternative therapies

Please pas this article (and the list of teas) on to family and friends who
get more than their fair share of colds this time of year.
Share it over at Facebook, Snpchat, Instagram (stories), Pinterest,
Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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